it’s the old “Boss Trick #9”: “I don’t care what you do, just do something !”
OTOH, Nice to see Dim Dad rub their noses in it…
it’s the old “Boss Trick #9”: “I don’t care what you do, just do something !”
OTOH, Nice to see Dim Dad rub their noses in it…
Huh. At least they’re consistent - as cruel to one of their own as they are to millions of those whom they’ll never know (especially since most of them will be dead sooner rather than later, if this piece of shit bill passes).
And yet, 62 million Americans admired him enough to vote for him. Our country’s citizenry is in a sorry, sickening condition. It may be fatal.
They just need to follow through and mark him as a no account ineffectual blowhard laughong stock, and we’re basically done!
The latest harvest of tweets, fresh from twitter…enjoy
Yes. But over my checkered career I had two bosses who told me to do something, didn’t like what I did, and told the higher-ups the whole thing was my fault.
Trump? You betcha.
Dim Dad has a ‘Higher-up’ ?
Although I admit my experience isn’t relevant since Trump takes up most of his time with Vlad selling out the country.
I’m not sure Vlad cares about healthcare…
10 AM- Well, @clauscph Huck-Sand says “ridiculous” to blame Trump for vote if it loses. Pretty much the same thing as my bosses did. If it wins, it was all Donald.