I remember when we had a President who knew how to do his job.
God, he’s clueless.
Let the memes begin!
Can’t wait for the dump truck.
Why did I click on this story? Why did I look at this photo? How are we going to make it through 4 1/2 more years of seeing things like this? And the laughing Q-Tip …
Does this man do anything beyond watch television, golf, and shit like this? How much are we paying him and his fucking entourage?
Or the Truck Fump.
When I read the headline, I thought it was going to be an article about how Trump Sr. was taking over the scandal response on a more personal and hands-dirty way.
lol nope, the President of the goddamn United States is pretending to be an actual literal firefighter, honk honkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
What a fucking fractal embarrassment.
Ok, so he grew up with a belligerent no-fun type Dad who never let little Donnie play with toy cars and trucks, so we have to indulge him?
I can’t wait for him to ride in the BED of the dump truck.
Please may I drive?
I remember when we had a President who had an emotional age greater than six.
…and I remember laughing at “W” playing rancher.
Where’s the fire? It’s in the trumpster. It’s burning hard…
Made in America? Trump doesn’t even buy opposition research from Americans.
There’s a huge difference between having a sense of humor and just making an ass of oneself. (We know which category Donald Trump falls into.)
Maybe we shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Think of the damage he could do, if he had inkling on how to govern.
Somebody just shoot me
I can’t take 3.5 more years of this
He really supports Made in America. 1/3 of his wives prove that.
Is this all just a joke Steve Bannon is playing on us? I mean WTF.