WOW! What can I say? comparing a gas compound to the slaughter of over 6 million people, it does not get much cruder that this.
I am not a climate scientist but I have been paying attention to what the climate modelers have been saying for 30+ years. The thing that strikes and worries me is that they have consistently underestimated the degree and timing of the impacts, particularly in their earlier estimates. We are already experiencing things like the intensification of storms and loss of polar ice that the early estimates predicted would not happen until 100 years from now. I expect that their models have been improved to the point that they are more on target but there are probably some unexpected and unpleasant surprises awaiting us.
Pernicious nonsense!
No, it’s “cyclical” according to the wingers. Happens every, you know, 40 million years - weather cycles, you know. No biggie.
It’s because their models never accounted for God’s punishment of society for losing our values and stopping to go to church to worship Him.
Woa-- don’t respond to g2g, kremlin troll here to mix things up with folks.
This made me laugh out loud. Thank you!!
LOL! Still trying to make the connection myself. Maybe more coffee will help but this is a new one on me.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
This guy has to be suffering from dementia to say something so idiotic and insulting.
It’s a trumpite. He’s merely speaking what the rest of them think but never say lest we all know how patently evil and stupid they are.
Well, Exxon in 1982 disagreed with the good doctor: Internal CO2 Greenhouse Effect Document
Not under the radar
Well, I can’t see how this will be a problem at all. Clearly nothing antisemitic here…
To live in a fact-free universe is terrifying for them. They have nothing, just stupid sloganeering.
Sorta like when NRA folks protested against people voluntarily turning in old firearms to be turned into scrap: they called it “euthanasia” and compared it to abortion.
I wonder how much the tax payers paid for his education.
If corporations are people, too, then there’s no reason why guns can’t be.
But when is a gun a gun? At the start of the assembly line, when the firing pin is inserted at the final step…
Another Heartland Institute joker, where everybody’s a climatologist whether they have any qualifications or not.
Trump Physicist Trump charlatan.
Well, no. The Nazis did not use CO2.