This really all just comes down to greed. Nothing else matters beyond their lifetimes. No ‘generations to come’. No ‘my grandchildren’. It’s all about them. And when they don’t ‘win’ because they’re flat out wrong they play the victim card. ‘It’s just like Hitler’ ‘you’re attacking me’ ‘the media is against me’…and on and on and on.
Ohio went for Trump in 2016… God is really trying to tell all these Red-Staters something…
When you consider the sorts of things physicists do in their training – working with high voltages, radiation, dangerous chemicals, lasers, etc. you have to wonder how he survived graduate school. He must have been strictly theoretical or he went off the deep end after getting his degree.
First they curbed auto emissions, and I said nothing. Then they sequestered billions upon billions of CO2 molecules, and still I said nothing. When they came for my SodaStream, it was too late.
Well, next week is coming, so…
This just shows how strong the koolaid is.
Never in a million years would I have thought you could put the Holocaust and carbon dioxide in the same sentence or even thought bubble. What the fuck is wrong with all these people tRump picks? He really is scraping the bottom of the barrel choosing this guy. Princeton science department sure isn’t what its cracked up to be if this guy was allowed to teach there. Just another tRump nutjob in my book.
Yes, Mr. Happer. I am sure all of those Jews who were forced into the gas chambers at Auschwitz were thinking, “Well, at least we have it better than that poor carbon dioxide!”
Have fun in your new position at the drive-thru window at Chick-Fil-A.
So thats why they called them gas chambers.
I wonder what Albert Einstein would have to say in reply to this comparison.
Lax standards? Princeton ain’t what it used to be.
Since this twit was born in 1939, and spent the WWII years in Oak Ridge with his North Carolinian momma, I’m afraid he’s all ours.
It isn’t hard to prove global warming. Start with the assumption that the earth is a closed system. Then recognize that CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Then you measure the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere over time and recognize the direction of change. If CO2 (and other green house gases) is increasing you are in for global warming. You also measure mean earth temperatures over the same time to confirm the change. A high school student can prove global warming. It is a handy dandy science fair project.
What the holy fuck.
The fact that CO2 absorbs IR has been known for centuries and the first scientific paper on it was published in 1896. The first televised warning on the impact of releasing large amounts of it was broadcast in the 1960’s, so it is not some new revelation.
Aaand, it was predicted by Arrhenius at the turn of the 19th-to-20th century!
Ooops.@greenman66 was on it whilst I was typing.
Perhaps it would be revealed to “Professor” Happer after a few applications of the business end of a 2x4. It’s been known to work with the long-eared variety of mules.
Did I really just read some idiot saying that the murder of millions of innocent human beings is the same thing as an effort to reduce pollution??
Carbon Dioxide: the Rodney Dangerfield of molecules?
The Very Stable Genius only hires the finest people.