“Last one out is a Nazi!” they shouted as they fled the room.
If only the elected Rs had the guts the business community has shown
My post from yesterday/;[quote=“outsidertrading618, post:15, topic:60623”]
no secret, my opinion is if this gets much worse, particularly if the financial CEOs publicly or privately see Trump as too much of a liability, he will be pressured to resign. I don’t know or pretend to know the mechanics(phone calls will be involved, tho–no Tweets except Blankfein’s).
No so-called Assembly required Indictments welcome…
Now the above is what’s going to happen. I can’t help wondering if people on various sides are hearing about developments in the investigations, but something appears to be bringing our nightmare to a resolution. The GOP is going to have this resolved as best they can before the campaign begins in earnest. This year, in my estimation.
Council includes Schwartzman, Fink and Dimon.
Schwartzman supposedly didn’t want to disband, per Times
If only he was grown up enough to take his ball and go home.
This is disappointing. I was enjoying watching the trickle become a flood.
First they came for the Manufacturing Advisory Council…,
The subtext of the tweet Tantrump is “I didn’t want to come to your birthday party anyway!”
@jakebarnes - heaps of embarrassment on the spineless who didn’t opt to leave on principle before being kicked to the curb by the toddler!
“You’re a loser”
He showed THEM.
The folks left standing after the initial resignations now look like fools. They stuck with Trump and now they have been deprived of the opportunity to show some courage. They are all losers.
lolololololol he just unplugged the nintendo because his neighbor was beating him at Mario Party 4 https://t.co/Ee5492ikMA
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) August 16, 2017
Someone updated the list of Confederate presidents on Wikipedia:
It would be fair to argue that Rump’s soft spot for nazi and confederate terrorists, is costing this country jobs.
take his ball and go home
Oops, misread that take his bail and return home.
Arrest and replace.
Indeed. Botched opportunity.
I think MSNBC did a better job with their headline here: https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/16/trump-abruptly-ends-manufacturing-council-after-ceos-disband-strategy-and-policy-forum.html
Pence is racing back home to lick Trump’s boots in an extra-scolding kind of way.
This is to avoid facing further rebuking statements from those CEOs and embarrassment of him being unable to fill the increasingly empty room as he boasted yesterday. Typical Trump.
Since you apparently have picked up your toys and gone home, why don’t you go to Mar A Lago and stay there?
Just saw footage of him giving a statement to honor Heather Heyer’s memorial service today and he looked very perplexed, that he could not stay focused.
Trump is now signing an executive order stating no CEO’s resigned,he is retroactively firing them.