Discussion for article #238264
As the ship sinks, the captain yells “I regret nothing!”
Someone needs to ask Trump if he regrets anything he’s ever done.
Remember when George W was thrown by this question?
It’s a serious question that reveals a great deal about one’s character.
You should see Faux News right now haha. They’re of course leveraging the recent San Francisco boardwalk shooting to rile the Teatroll Troops about the dire threat of criminal illegal aliens running rampant among us and you can tell within like 5 seconds of looking at the comment section that the Teatrolls are ready to fuck Derpy Donald’s toupee into a rotten mess over his ridiculous rhetoric. They’re convinced he’s the frontrunner now.
Granted, it’s not exactly a scientific polling sample, but I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Viagra/Cialis sales dropped south of the Mason-Dixon after Derpy Donald began his racist rampage.
Please proceed, Donald.
Trump said he only wished the Post had named names so that he could fire any undocumented workers.
“I wish they would give us some names, we would get them out immediately,” he said.
Dude, that’s your fucking job – not the WaPost’s. Do it – I double-dare you.
(Are we sure this Trump fella isn’t an undercover Democratic operative sent on a mission to smear sticky poop in the face of the GOP?).
Well this is funny because in his interview with msnbc he said the article regarding “illegals” on his hotel construction site in DC reported they were shocked not to find any, although the actual article said they did. Oh and he loves the Mexican people. UGH! When is a reporter going to ask him flat out why he’s such an asshole?
So you don’t regret tweeting it, do you regret deleting it afterwards? And why did you attempt to delete it then?
Seems to me its one or the other.
Why do the parties in this country allow anyone who feels an urge to run for the highest office in the land? In most countries, one has to join a party, sit in a lifetime’s worth of boring meetings, run for a lowly office and then work one’s way up to even merit consideration for high office. Even Berlusconi, the only one I can think of who even comes close to Trump, couldn’t just throw his hat into the ring of an existing party; he had to start his own party. Yet, any boob is allowed to run for President on a major party ticket without any quality control on the process at all.
(but not really)
Is the ship really sinking when he’s going up in the polls? Just sayin’…I actually have to say this is pretty smart GOP primary politics. He gets to keep reminding the racist GOP base that Jeb!'s wife is Mexican. It’s a dog whistle of the worst kind, but it works. He’s basically saying, “Jeb!'s isn’t going to do shit on immigration because he married a Mexican and had kids with her.” Yeah, it’s extremely disgusting and it’s offensive, but this is the GOP we’re talking about. Disgusting and offensive are exactly what sells.
He’s learned one valuable lesson from G.W. Bush: never, ever admit that you made a mistake. About anything. Bush got away with it for two terms.
I’m trying to understand Trump’s hair. Is he bald at the crown and has grown his bangs out to shoulder length and then combs them back and kind of feathers it outward to cover the bald spot?
Maybe he is just a flip-flopper.
He was for regretting if before he was against it.
I don’t see this happening in the Democrat party.
Glad to help. His father got drunk and boinked an orangutan.
Republicans are impressed by money, and politicians saying things they like to hear. Democrats and republicans like to hear politicians talk about things they care about. Trump is speaking republican speak.
This is beautiful. Long may he tweet.
“If my wife were from Mexico, I think I would have a soft spot for people from Mexico"
Well isn’t that sweet but it suggests he DOESN’T have one now…although he’s been straining to have it both ways. Trump painted himself into this corner and there is no way out. That paint does not dry. He cannot sling shit at Mexicans to please the GOP base and then sling roses across the Rio Grande and think it’s all OK. It isn’t. You can’t have your cake, eat it and also throw it in another persons face.
How dumb is this guy?
Maybe? Trump is nothing BUT a flip-flopper. A few years ago he was a Clinton Democrat. This entire schtick of his is 100% tin-plated phony from top to bottom. I doubt he believes a single word he says.