Discussion: Trump: North Korea Negotiations A Waste Of Time, 'We'll Do What Has To Be Done'

The only thing that will calm down the situation is if the little man with the weird hairdo would just resign from his office and spend his time playing golf. Frankly, the alternative would be that little man overdoing it and finding himself with a major stroke - golf stroke, of course.


We will continue to do what we have done so successfully: tweet angry, thoughtless tweets and spend the taxpayers money on “working” golf trips to Florida, then claim we are being misrepresented by ingrates and NFL players. Why mess with a working formula?


So last weekend - through his tweetrages about Rocket Man, the North Koreans assumed Trump was declaring war. Took several days to calm that down.

What does dotard do? One week later resumes the Tweet Taunts. Tell me how this language doesn’t also convey to the edgy North Koreans that Trump this time has just declared war?

He reminds me of the old joke about insanity defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Heeeellllooooooo… General Kelly, where are you?


There is no bottom to Trump’s stupidity.
How soon before Tillerson bolts?


He clearly senses that he’s not winning the war of words on the Puerto Rico front, so he’s falling back on his greatest hits. Expect a Crooked Hillary tirade next.


Doh! Of course you are right. He’s looking for winnable twitter wars - as for Dotard J Trump - it’s the second best part of the job (behind self-enrichment, natch.)


The Art of the Deal master says negotiating is a waste of time.
He’s going to start a war.


Can’t he give it a rest. It’s fucking Sunday. There’s never a good smite when you need one. If there is a God, He really is an underachiever.


And get millions of people killed in the process.

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Personally, I don’t see this as a sign of his stupidity so much as I see it as a sign that his malignant narcissism is getting pushed past to the point that it can cope. As has been pointed out by many on this blog (h/t to davy and matt), Rump’s sociopathy just can’t take being pushed in ANY manner or circumstance. There’s no flexibility and no room for learning. Just doubling down on extreme rage.

He has multiple mental illnesses going on concurrently and they prevent him getting anywhere close to rationality. I don’t believe we’ll get into a war. The American military has been too taxed for some time now; another war would necessitate a draft and that’s not happening anytime soon. I can’t imagine that the generals in the Oval Office aren’t working on “Plan A” when (not if) Rump decides military interventions.


Donald Trump, thy name is Megalomaniac


People should be paying attention to this.

This is another example of the administration moving forward without regard to the POTUS and it is historic.

Not only is the POTUS not setting policy, but the policy is being made without him even knowing about it. .


Policy is too complicated for him to process. If it can’t fit on a bumper sticker, it’s too much for him.


Sedevacantist Presidency: pay no attention to Emperor Olybrius over there.


Just let him have his stupid military parade and let him sit in a big tank with a helmet on like a 5-year old, and maybe, just maybe, that’ll be enough to pacify him for a bit.

It’s a little tricky handling colicky infants. My wife was/is so good at it.


I don’t believe that ever works or will ever work with Trump.

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I can’t believe it. I’ve never seen anything like this - a US president trying to publicly undermine his SoS thereby causing more unease and disruption.

Can’t someone do something?! His interference can’t be allowed to continue.


It’s like Walter Mitty turned into a white supremacist.


Very true.

He’s a man with no attention span, unable to process information, poor judgment, no discretion or discipline, and practically no knowledge base. How can you possibly discuss complex policy issues with such a person?