Discussion: Trump: My 'Tough'Immigration Policies Could've Prevented 9/11

Discussion for article #241874

Only if his “immigration policy” includes a time machine.

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Wikipedia: On May 17 [2000], Mohamed Atta applied for a United States visa, receiving a five-year B-1/B-2 (tourist/business) visa the next day from the United States embassy in Berlin. Because Atta had lived in Germany for approximately five years, along with his “strong record as a student”, he was treated favorably and not scrutinized.

I don’t want to blame George W. Bush for letting the attacks happen, I just want to claim credit for retroactively preventing the illegal immigration that had nothing to do with them. Or something. Because I have no fucking idea what I’m talking about and never do.


So how would he decide who comes to visit the US? None of the attackers were trying to emigrate here. I wonder what the airlines would think about having fewer trans-oceanic passengers.

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I’m scared.

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“With that being said, I’m not blaming George Bush,” Trump said. “But I don’t want Jeb Bush to say my brother kept us safe because September 11th was one of the worst days in the history of this country.”

Whether or not one blames Bush, and I do, I’m really glad someone is finally forcefully making this point. You can argue that Bush couldn’t have prevented the 9/11 attacks, one can claim the PDBs were too vague, etc. But it’s outrageous to allow Jeb!, W, and the entire Bush administration to continue to claim they weren’t in charge while simultaneously praising themselves for taking charge. It either happened on your watch or it didn’t, but they shouldn’t be able to continue pretending the attacks occurred on 01/20/2001 at 11:59 am.


The 9/11 high-jackers were in the country legally. Trump is a moron.


No matter what you think about Trump and his random blusterings, Jeb is a pathetic liar, you can’t say that often enough. Al Qaeda killed thousands of people that day. George W. Bush did not keep them safe. If he started keeping everyone safe the next day, which he did not, it was still a day too late.


Exactly, everything you say is true, but this isn’t about Jeb!'s lies alone. This is a persistent lie that has been perpetuated on the electorate for 14 years, and Democrats, for fear of looking callous and/or politicizing the horror, have been unable to expose it. Actually, it’s one of those hideous lies that is so widely accepted that it becomes fact. Even the “reporter” from CNBC reflexively defended Bush. Trump threw open the door on that argument and handed the Democrats the ability to finally push back while crediting a Republican for being the first to point it out. Nicely done, Donald.


If one could multiple like your comment I would. Trump, jeb and most of the gang think we have no knowledge of history so they make up their version.

So Trump saved us from 9/11?
Well damn, THAT’S a relief.
I guess then that the Patriot act, Homeland Security, and the TSA don’t exist.
And the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and that raid in Abbotabad?
Never happened.
I’m beginning to like this revisionist history. Esp. the part where all those thousands of Iraqis, Afghans, allies, and Americans didn’t die. What a relief we got Trump!
My alarm clock just went off and woke me from my nap…

Back to reality…

Trump: My 'Tough' Immigration Policies Would've Prevented 9/11

Only if the 9/11 attacks had been carried out by Mexicans. All the 9/11 hijackers were in this country legally.

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“With that being said, I’m not blaming George Bush,” Trump said. “But I don’t want Jeb Bush to say my brother kept us safe because September 11th was one of the worst days in the history of this country.”

I couldn’t agree more with Trump. In my opinion, the country was so traumatized in the aftermath of 9/11, the Bush administration was never held responsible for their failure to prevent that horrible day. Even if it wasn’t entirely preventable, without a doubt, a lot more could have and should have been done.

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So Trump appears to think he can create laws by fiat. That he can reign by personal whim. That he can ignore Congress and the courts.
What a joker.

Trump misses an important point. if someone is planning to do us harm like 9/11 they will go out of their way to NOT draw attention to thmeselves. The 9/11 hijackers were here legally, They trained legally on planes. They broke no laws here prior to their acts of terror. We would have had no reason to expect they would do anything wrong. We don’t arrest and incarcerate people based on what they MIGHT do. Especially when no evidence existed. Maybe Trump wants to arrest and deport people based on race and religion and national origin. If that’s the case lets send Mr Trump back to Scotland or wherever his ancestors came from.

The abyss of the Republican Party knows no bounds.

One of two things will happen.

A “Myth” Romney-esque “establishment” Republican wins the G.O.P, nomination, proceeds to etch-a-sketch just enough Krazy so as to attract Independents and this is somewhat augmented by G.O.P,. strategies to limit Democratic voters and votes.

Or one of the Krazies gets the G.O.P, nomination, continues the Krazy and the G.O.P therefore ramps up their multiple strategies to limit the numbers of Democratic voters and votes.

Trump is conflating the issue of terrorism with immigration of Latinos, because it was Latinos who were initially singled out when Trump first started focusing on immigration. Aside from being deeply insulting, Trump is conforming to the newer G.O.P, pattern of more obvious dog-whistles.

Trump is saying in no uncertain terms that he is certain of one or more of the following, regarding Latinos:

  • That large numbers of Latinos will not be allowed to vote (for any candidate), due to soon to be apparent voter suppression methods

  • That those Latinos allowed to vote will undervote, due to apathy, ignorance, fatalism or some other related reason

  • That those Latinos voting for the Republicans will not drop off significantly, due to a perceived schism within the ranks of Latinos

  • That Anglo whites are far more anti-immigrant than ever and that this will increase this anti-immigrant Anglo white vote for the G.O.P.

Although one can make the conjecture that Trump is a joke candidate and/or the Republican establishment “would not allow” someone so blatantly unqualified to attain the G.O.P, nomination and/or Republican primary voters will “come to their senses” and select an “estabishent candidate”, this does not negate that Trump’s resoundingly racist and biased comments on Latinos (and others) are still associated with the entire Republican Party, severely damaging the G.O.P. with the Hispanic population.

Damage that Trump is willfully exposing his Party to.

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You know what’s irrational about Trump to me (and this goes for all of the others as well)? He, and they, have gone out of their way to try to piss off a significant number of the folks they need to win… Latinos, blacks, women, LBGT, any newly made citizen who was recently an immihgrant and more. Apparently the only people qualified to be a GOP supporter are white men of a certain age. By contrast the democrat candidates work diligently (and w/o a lot of fanfare from the media) to attract minorities to their message. And anyone else they can cobble together.
It is a serious stretch of the imagination that the GOP candidates expect they can win the White House. Assuming those inclined to vote for democrats turn out to actually vote and don’t just sit home and expect somebody else will vote for them. I would think that even if democrats vote in even modest numbers the GOP won’t get the White House. My fondest hope would be that massive numbers of pissed off democrats go to the polls and vote. The result of which would be a democrat President. And a majority democrat Senate and a greatly reduced number of “freedom caucus” GOPers in the House.
I’m having trouble conjuring a reason Trump is so willfully willing to damage the GOP that doesn’t involve his rank inexperience in politics.


Tough immigration policies? Like shoot 'em at the border?
Seriously tho…why does this sorry excuse of a candidate hate his fellow human beings so much?
Everyone in this country is an immigrant of one sort or another.
Trump hates Hispanics as late comers to America. Yet the truth is Hispanics predate Anglos in the Southwestern United States by 300 years or more. There is a family I know here in Tucson who got their land as a land grant from the King of Spain BEFORE Jamestown was built on the east coast. That’s in the 1600’s folks. Trump’s family are the late comers.

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IIRC a couple of them were involved in a minor traffic violation, but your larger point is spot on.

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