Discussion: Trump: My Supporter Who Punched The Protester Was 'Talked To Horribly'

Discussion for article #247665

“He was given a certain finger on a hand. He was talked to horribly. And he was also looking at somebody that came up with somebody dressed as a member of the Ku Klux Klan,” Trump said.

Also, why is an orange? So there!

Did anybody catch his comment referring to Elizabeth Warren as “the Indian”? More racism from Trump.


Except he did not punch and kick the guy wearing the Klan outfit. He punched and kicked the guy wearing an American flag shirt. His racism and thuggery is so awful it sometimes overshadows how much of a bald-faced liar he is.


Well I can understand how someone who was “talked to horribly” and then pummeled a protester might ‘worry’ you Donald…after all, that’s what you do several times a day but then you have the Secret Service that we are paying for to protect your mouth from harm…


“fine I’ll bite”

One: unless dude got thrown on first, that active military member should know that putting your hands on anyone (regardless of provocation) is a straight up fail.

Two: whoopee in regards to African American,#yeaboyyy

Three: was he asked about McGraw’s reasons for that sucker punch in NC.

Four: now he has a problem with the Klan.


There is no excuse for violence like this. However, it does take a certain amount of privilege for white folks to walk into a place with KKK hoods while expecting that at least some African Americans won’t be offended by the display… Seriously, there are ways to protest without donning a hood.

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This is why Rubio lost. When his campaign guy attacked the robot at his rally, he should have just insisted that he had PTSD from the time he worked the nightshift at the robot factory and thought it was a real robot attacking him. Life is easy when you’re allowed to rearrange everything to fit your expectations.


Yeah, no correlation between YOU wanting to punch 'em in the face and then having it happen. At least TWICE.


I agree in regards to the Klan part, howeva no military personnel can be seen in that type of light.

It’s one reason why ‘Louisville’ got washed out of the Marines (and he didn’t even take his oath yet)

Plus if that airman swung on the wrong guy, that’s an unprovoked assault.

He just lost his benefits, fu— with Trump.

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The guy that was punched wasnt wearing anything but a shirt with a flag on it


I’ll be so happy when that meaningless phrase goes away. In this case, I don’t think they were planning to see any African Americans at all, so I don’t think they were considering whether any would be offended. Moreover, I don’t see what their skin color has to do with it, since it wouldn’t change anything if the person was black. It wasn’t a great idea, but I fail to see how white privilege has anything to do with this. I mean, it’s not like the image of a Klansman is automatically offensive. Otherwise, I wouldn’t see them being mocked in movies and online. Context is important.

And overall, I hate that phrase because it sounds like it means that white people are getting special treatment, when what we REALLY mean is that white people get the treatment everyone is supposed to get; which is normal treatment, not special treatment. And in this case, if anyone walked into a Trump rally to protest, they’ve got a good chance of being hit regardless of their skin color.


You can see from the video he and the protester barely had any time to say “boo” to each other before he sucker-punched him. Do you mean the protester “talked to him horribly” after being sucker-punched? Oh, come on! I’m glad there were cameras there.


Then that airman is fucked.

The military is seemingly looking for any reason to toss guys and he didn’t need to be there.

“And he happened to be African-American, the person who was a supporter," Trump continued. "And it was a shame what happened but you know what, he saw a member of the Ku Klux Klan. And you people don't write that."
And in the tradition of the best, bravest, and most effective reactions to racist symbols, language, and/or actions, he immediately sucker-punched somebody else, then repeatedly kicked the victim while the latter was on the ground. Just as Dr. King often did.

I watched the video that showed the person with what looked like a white pillowcase over their head. The person in question looked like a white female, walking a few people behind the man who got sucker-punched. From the video, it appeared as if s/he was walking up the steps being escorted out along with the others. When the commotion started, s/he removed the pillowcase (or whatever it was) and attempted to get a better look at what was happening a few people in front of her. I can see why people are saying it looked like a Klan hood – it did. That said, I can’t see where this man was even acknowledged–verbally, that is–by the man who got sucker-punched. (This was the first video TPM posted to the original story).

This illustrates why the only good reason to EVER buy a pillowcase is for your bedding or drowning kittens. Otherwise you’re just asking for trouble.


Here, here. However, if I ever catch anyone trying to drown kittens (pillowcase or no), they’ll soon find out if there really is a god. And then I’ll need to dig a big hole … say six feet or so down.


Isn’t that known as the Bush Doctrine?


I agree. I like dogs, also. They go especially well with fried rice and a dash of Sriracha.