Discussion: Trump: My Supporter Who Punched The Protester Was 'Talked To Horribly'


So does this mean people whom you called rapists, pigs, etc. can get a free sucker-punch on you?


The way these right wing rallies will suddenly pop into outbreaks of violence is a constant. Thereā€™s something bordering on the repulsively orgasmic about it when it happens. Same thing used to happen at Palinā€™s rallies in 2008, though the sexualized aspect of it was quite overt, which might explain why it was a bit less common, if just as ugly.

Watch it happen here, at the infamous German American Bund rally in Madison Square Gardens in the 30ā€™s.


LOL. That reminds me of a couple of times a friend and I would wander on over to Chinatown (in San Francisco) and eat at some real authentic Chinese food places. There was most definitely some meat of ā€œquestionable origin.ā€ I swear, it didnā€™t taste like squirrel, though Iā€™ve never had raccoon (and raccoons are aplenty in The City). I shudder to think of it now. One meal involved this enormous fish (I havenā€™t a clue as to what kind) that was baked whole, sliced down the middle and the meat was to be carved out by the diners. Bones and all. LOL ā€“ oh, I so miss having those types of nights.

For the life of me, I canā€™t figure out why any person of color would attend a Trump rally. Iā€™m fully aware that it is their constitutional right to do so, but why wave a red scarf in front of a bull? Would a Jew wearing a yellow Star-of-David patch on their clothing attend a Nuremberg rally?

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Drumpf must have access to a different video than what everyone else has seen. No ā€œfingerā€ was displayed, and no words were exchanged.


African Americans make up about 2% of Tucsonā€™s population. The idea that very few black folks would be in attendance at drumpfā€™s rally is certainly not out of the realm of possibility.

given a certain finger on a hand

That big brainā€™s already a diplomatā€¦

I read this in the comments on another site:

Pettway must have forgot that there is no such thing as double jeopardy when a crime is committed by a member of the military.

Is this true?

A Trump supporter was talked to ā€œhorriblyā€, good lord the protester is lucky he was only punched and kicked apparently.

Relevant imageā€¦


Thereā€™s ample evidence that Mr. Trump inhabits an alternate reality, and has only a one-way communication relationship with our reality.

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Starting to sound more Palinesque every single dayā€¦

That poor, poor airman! Just imagine how impossibly difficult it must be to hear horrible, horrible words or see a certain finger. Oh, the humanity!

Pettway no doubt has PTSD after such an ordeal. Thankfully, our brave service men and women never have to face anything so traumatizing while on active duty.

To be fair, it is anyoneā€™s guess how Trump defines ā€œhorriblyā€ in this context since he also described women going to the bathroom as ā€œa disgusting thing.ā€ Now no normal person would describe bathrooming as ā€œdisgustingā€ based on the gender of the bath roomer. So too no normal person likely would agree to Trumpā€™s definition of ā€œhorribleā€ speech worthy of a severe beating.

The latter link says yes. Now Pettway has some protection, but he is looking at a serious issue.

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This guy was paid to do this just so Trump could act as if heā€™s protecting blacks outraged by leftist racism. Total setup.

Trump provides tactical advice to ISIS - speak horribly to US Armed Services personnel and they will lose it.

Letā€™s assume the protester said something the attacker didnā€™t like.

Ergo, he is justified and within the law to then punch the guy in the face, knock him down and kick him while he is down?

I donā€™t think the law looks at things that way fella!

Poor Donald. His supportersā€™ fee-fees tell others to go back to Auschwitz and get a job, but they hear a vile remark or see a ā€œbad fingerā€ raised and they just canā€™t control themselvesā€¦and then think they are justified in launching physical attacks.

Mommyā€¦he used the F finger!

Maybe Trump was thinking of the rally in Fayetteville, NC. There have been so many acts of violence how can we expect him to keep them straight?

I can see why Trump is condoning these vigilantes. Heā€™s going to need them to foment a riot at the Convention.

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It is not all that unlikely that minority folks would attend a Trump rally. Minority folks can be Republicans if they want to in spite of many good reasons not to; just like majority type folks. Republican politicians only support the top 5 to 10 percent of wealthiest Americans. The Trump rally class of Americans know they are getting screwed, and bless their pointed little heads, think that they can reform the Republican Party to represent them in D.C. Trump is having a great time pretending to be their hero. Trump however is only filling the void the GOP created in their refusal to represent voters. So we find the Republican party being forced to nominate Trump because darn few voters who outnumber the 1 percenters by 99:1 will buy off on any of the GOPā€™s preferred list of 20 or so candidates.

The Democratic Party finds themselves in similar circumstances, with many voters losing faith in the conventional Democratic candidates and instead getting behind Sanders, who turns out to be able to beat Trump too. Both parties should see the need to consider their obligations to the people who elect them. Iā€™m guessing the more diverse Democratic party will be better able to adapt than the Republicans who prefer to cling to outmoded beliefs in the face of real life lessons.