Discussion: Trump Mocks #MeToo, Sucks Up To Putin, And Other Greatest Rally Hits

Among tRump’s greatest hits:

  1. He’s disloyal, favoring our principal military and security adversary over our country.

  2. He holds his followers in contempt, as he shows every single day.

  3. He fails the biblical injunction that no man can serve two masters (or in his case, perhaps three–the Russians, his personal fortune and the nation he purports to lead).

If Democrats can make that simple case, over and over again, victory is assured.


I read recently they’ve done surveys and focus groups or whatever they do and found that the simple message that he’s out for himself is really effective against him. You start talking about money laundering through Cypriot banks and disinformation techniques drawn in part from avant-garde theater designed to instill confusion and apathy and pretty soon they’ve lost interest and they’re talking about the local sportsball teams’ draft picks. But you say he’s a crook who’s out for himself, that they can understand. Confirms a suspicion already held. He’s not really good at pretending to be anything else.


This is going to deliver a wallop, too.


I’m waiting to see if/how long it takes China to get genuinely pissed off and do something(s) that directly impact the orange one’s business interest and also those that take a serious whack at Ivanka’s biz. If that happens we’re in for quite the show.


It will be even more interesting if China does nothing. Something awfully fishy here.


That’s what they are doing now…nothing to hurt trump’s personal finances.China plays the long game so I have no idea what their strategy is regarding trump inc.


Instead of the press reporting this shit to us (or at least, in addition), they should be asking every GOP Congressman, every single day, what he/she has to say in response. Every single day. And “no comment” is not an acceptable answer when a POTUS engages in this kind of rhetoric. Stop playing Trump’s game by his rules.


May be irrelevant. He’s defaulting on promises to the troops on the ground. When that happens, our physical defenses break down.


I mock #MePutin.


Black suit, white shirt, red tie. It’s high summer and his handlers put him in black. There are dozens of tie patterns and colors, and somehow we go with blood red. And he goes with black suit, white shirt, red tie for his mass rally of the adoring, cheering Party faithful out in the rural hinterland, the soil from which all True Americans spring and from which Real Americans draw their strength, far from the corrupt, decadent, degenerate urban elite.

They’re not even trying to pretend anymore because they know they can count on the willful obtuseness of the same people in the press who put every wardrobe choice of the Obamas under an electron microscope looking for hidden meanings. And, of course, also their historical illiteracy.


The Asian nation slapped levies on an equal amount of American goods, including heartland staples like soybeans, corn, pork and poultry — a move President Trump said would compel him to hit China with another round of duties on up to $500 billion in products.

From Friday morning’s WaPo … don’t think Xi doesn’t know how to hurt Donnie.


…Will I be prepared? Totally prepared. I’ve been preparing for this stuff my whole life.

Well as prepared as he is for anything, so, no.


Don’t forget trump’s completely nonsensical Elton John comment:

Which apparently was on his mind because he’d just signed a CD of rocket man for Pompeo to hand deliver to Kim. Soooo weird.


I had a Trump voting visitor at my house last weekend, ignoring my wife stumping my foot under the table, I rubbed his nose in Trump’s merde, he end up bumbling that he voted for Trump because something about how good American made tools used to be, specially hammers.


Or not
If history is any indicator
The 35% are fine with it as long as he delivers the racist white-people-are-persecuted mantra

He is trying to drive us over the edge as we watch the Trumpers follow him around with blind loyalty.
He uses the rallies to extend a middle finger to us
He is succeeding


Preaching to the wrong choir


As a society, we are well-practiced in pointing out injustices, but we find ourselves lacking experience in confronting bald-faced corruption of this unprecedented magnitude. It’s so blatant that journalists and commentators appear to find themselves incapable of any reaction beyond dropping their jaws in astonishment. It’s a deficiency we need to overcome quickly.


Normally—but there I go again. Nothing is normal and nothing is too bizarre. You have to put that on your mirror so you start the day remembering it. And we also remember that Junior was along for the trip and warned about Tester’s “New York money.” He’s from New York himself, so you do wonder what he could possibly mean by (((New York money))).


That explains everything. trump has organ envy. Melania went full Bobbitt?