Discussion: Trump Mocks Blasey Ford To Uproarious Laughter From Rally Crowd

No objective description of his psyche has ever failed to prominently mention this. And the many psychiatrists and psychologists who’ve thought the moment dangerous enough to talk about him say the behaviors are there for everyone to see. We’ve heard a lot of verbiage from him in the last couple of years and none of it has ever suggested that he understands there’s a right and wrong that transcends what’s good or bad for him. And I’ll confess it once again–I thought the American people had learned enough about personalities in their daily lives to immediately see what he was and reject him as a candidate. I know better now, obviously. Vox populi, vox derpi.


tRump is a disgrace to the office. And to the nation. And to the human race.


Too bad I didn’t see your advice. Like you, I watched it, and I’m sorry I did. I suppose that we would be fools to ever expect anything but this sort of response from the same man who mocked John McCain by saying “I like people who weren’t captured.” You can almost hear him here, “I like women who weren’t nearly raped.” Sickening!


The whole point of the FBI investigation was not to see if they could find anything, they won’t , but to delay things long enough for Trump to be himself and do something like this. Red state democrats have cover now to vote against Kavanaugh. Meeks things really hard for Flake, Collins and Murkowsky.


Of COURSE it was Mississippi… after showing such restraint, he figured he could safely let his 4 luxurious strands of hair down for the night and the great minds of Mississippi didnt disappoint. Sheesh… why do we still expect better?:unamused:


63,000,000 people voted for him. And raucous crowds wildly cheer his most vile pronouncements. This nation’s problems run a lot deeper than the fact Trump sits in the Oval Office. Sure, he’s a sociopath. So are his supporters. All 63,000,000 of them.


Trump will be doing a rally with Cruz in Texas. Not sure if a date has been set yet. I can only imagine how nucking futz Trump will be by then.

Texas is not Mississippi. Beto is the proof.

I am not so sure that throwing red meat, at least THIS sexist, is going to play well to more than a very small group in Texas.

And if Ted thinks he has any say in haw many 3rd rails Trump touches? Good luck Little Buddy :slight_smile:


With all the wars, induced famines, murder, assaults, rapes, child and spouse abuse, theft, graft, etc Trump is a disgrace to the human race? An assessment of the species would reveal Trump is quintessentially human. He’s not an outlier, he is us.


This morning I am tempted to write exactly how I feel at this moment. My words would no doubt get me rightfully banned, and possibly a visit from the FBI. This is not who I am. That someone, with words alone, can cause such rage in me is frightening. This is how I feel at 7:25am after reading this though.


He may be you, but he’s not me.


Pigs are proud of being piggy. Deplorable.


That is a frightening thought, one that is constantly on my mind. I wonder how do we survive this, can we? Here I sit in TX and wonder what is next, do I have to move and where to? How, or, will the government protect my rights?

Maybe that it is hyperbole, but I am disgusted at the political environment and what seems to be a very large portion of society.

For a Christian nation? God must be very disgusted too.


I’ve been trying hard tom come to grips with the psyche of those who support the GOP at this time, and esp support the groper in chief. I’ve been watching American films, and reading short stories and novels which give insight to the character and thinking of these people. My conclusions so far are that there is a history of two counter themes - the Wild West/Grifter Opportunist type & essential the fascist state which runs everything for the benefit of its beneficiaries. This sort of fascism seems to have been the norm in many small towns across the country. Between these two extremes sits populism, and you know who sits at the top of that heap these days. I’m not sure how much this explains 63,000,000 American voters in support of him, but it’s down in there, I’m sure.

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I expected the White Trash President to be cheered by a white trash crowd.


Leave Texas while you still can.

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I remember saying that if Reagan was elected I would try to leave the country. Said the same for George W., but never did move out, just around the country. But, this is different, this is a whole other 5 levels and I do think about leaving but haven’t figured out where yet.


Such a brave man to mock someone in their absence. Before a paid audience. Pardonme, a paying audience. I bet the MAGA hats (made in China) are being sold to the adoring rubes. At an inflated price. Trump doesn’t do this shit for free.


Brett Kavanaugh’'s life is being shattered, shattered. If he is not confirmed to the Supreme Court to be even more partisan than Sam Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, he might have to go work at a huge lawfirm…or at the Heritage Foundation…or become a dirty Republican Political Operative, as he appears to enjoy, and appear on CNN and FOX regularly, with the likes of Oliver North, pontificating about how the Democratic President is a wus.


In the White House, the mighty White House,
The dotard sleeps tonight…

He truly is a piece of shit…


Sadly Mrs Kav has learned her hubby’s back story. I bet she never knew it. And it has unsettled her.