Discussion: Trump Mocks Blasey Ford To Uproarious Laughter From Rally Crowd

I really recommend not watching the clip. I knew exactly what I was going to see and it still fucked me up. It’s truly horrible. The cheering and applause are the ugliest things I’ve heard in a long time.


OK, I just saw this on TV and have determined that Donnie has absolutely no shame whatsoever.

I hope his voters are proud.

I guess they are.


Nursing note, 8:30 p.m.:

Staff meets to discuss status and mission, votes to reclassify parties. Trump now the disease, USA now the pt.

Condition serious but immune system still functional. Big test ahead.


I’d guess we know what kinda people took tickets for Nuremberg in the '30s.
I saw enough of the original films to skip this sequel.
After this, it’d seem that ‘deplorables’ was a kindness.


When the Dems take over they better run investigations for the next 10 years and lock up all these old white guys that care more for power and money than anything else.


These are really evil people,”

Projection. He is telling the world who he really is.


the dotard is quiet this morning.


Angry white privileged men, it’s always someone else’s fault. Kavanaugh is a lying, sexual predator. Who’s fault is that? This guy belongs in jail not on any court.
And, I so loved hardly hearing a peep from tRump for over a week and now he’s at it again. So comforting to have this lying, corrupt criminal “running” the country.


Oh man. I guess Hillary is gonna have apologize for calling them deplorable again.

The problem is not Trump. The problem is a huge percentage of our fellow citizens. Time to split this country up.


So, Brad, tell me about this devil’s triglyceride thing. How young do the girls have to be? Do any of them look like Ivanka?


how do we organize and jettison AL, MS, SC and the Dakotas?

We need to keep GA, because, well, The Masters.


Yeesh. Trump’s blathering confirms that real life now imitates what happens in John Waters movies.

Elmer Fishpaw [driving around his driveway with mistress, laughing while taunting wife over a loudspeaker system attached to the roof of his car]: “Francine Fishpaw lives at 538 Wyman Way. She weighs 300 pounds, and is an alcoholic! She eats an entire cake at one sitting. You should see her stretch marks! Because of her drunkenness, both of her children are delinquents. She’s the hairiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on!”


Definitely the voters Democratic candidates should be pandering to. If we just stop demonizing them, they’ll turn into liberals.


Ladies and Gentlemen… The President of the United States of America

How embarrassing.


Three rallies in the last 10 days or so… UnFuckingBelievable… WTF are the attendees thinking (right they are not)

We are becoming a laughing stock. This GOP has to go… they have deteriorated so much that I think most of the GOP from the 70’s would disown them if they could


Worst. President. Ever.


For several days - the commentariati had been discussing how restrained Trump had been re: Ford. And now he explodes.

Dollars to donuts this is just the easiest target to go full throttle disgust mode - but not the impetus. Betting the NYT 8 page story about the Trump Family Tax Fraud was the spark that lit this particular Dumpster Fire.

But which rage made him froth over and start his volcanic spew? The exposure that he engaged in criminal tax fraud? Or the exposure that his “self-made wealth” was just daddy’s wealth passed on?

Not that it matters - what matters is the depths of the vileness of his behavior and mockery - and the cult like cheering of the crowd in response. ~shudder~


I’m not watching that stuff. But it was certain he’d show how disgustingly ugly and soulless he is within days. He said she was “credible” and “compelling” because even a pig like him could see that much, and be cowed for a moment. But even pretending to be respectful and compassionate when he knows it’s vital that he do so is something he can manage only for the shortest period. His crudity and severe mental illness guarantee that.

The crowds he whips up, who whip him up as well, all you can say is L’enfer, c’est les autres. Hell is other people. Not all. But there are some cruel, stupid people out there, that’s never been in much doubt. Shaking my head.


His followers seem to think that ‘telling it like it is’ frees them to release all of the hateful things inside their hateful souls into the public square. It shows how the power of a crowd allows cowardly people to behave despicably and dictators to flourish. I’m truly shocked at this turn over the past few years.