Discussion: Trump Mocks Blasey Ford To Uproarious Laughter From Rally Crowd

Tell you something else though–I saw the “Women for Trump” signs in an image from this rally and it came to me that he’s well aware that women are really rising up to oppose him and that’s why he’s particularly lashing out at them in the last few days. It’s politically the last thing he should do, but he’s going out of his way to do it.


tRump said:

Think of your son… Think of your husband.

tRump unsaid:

FUCK your daughter (if she’s at least a 9 I will if you don’t)



Vote for Democrats in November.

We need to end this now, please.

The fucking piece of shit former reality TV show host, child made-by-daddy millionaire, tax fraud money laundering criminal co-conspirator and Russian kompromat cooperating election-stealing conspirator needs to be stopped.


More of the daily degradation inflicted on us by Trump. He’s so loathsome since he’s in Mississippi it would not be surprising if he blamed Emmit Till for his own murder.


He left embarrassing behind a long time ago. I don’t know what comes after that , mortified? He’s 5 stages past that anyway


Yup and Yup


The story all over RW media since last night is Grassley releasing a letter from Ford’s redacted “ex-boyfriend” saying she coached a friend on how to take a lie detector test.

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Sadly there is a disheartening percentage of the population that simply don’t care if their houses burns to the ground as long as the property value of the libs next door decreases.

Lib tears are the currency of the deplorables.


It can’t be pointed out often enough: You can’t spell Donald Trump without T-U-R-D.


Trump and the GOP have gone all in on Kavanaugh. There are no more sharks to be jumped. The only thing that they have not said/implied is that IF Kavanaugh did commit these acts, it was because these women held a gun to his head and he forced them to do them.


Thanks to The Kochsuckers, Mercers and the Murduches We have a two holed Rectum in the White House!


No, this was beyond the pale. He lost senators’ votes with this. Every red state Dem? A no vote. Purple state GOP? Very questionable. Any senator who votes for Kavanaugh will now have this tape run against him/her at reelection. He did worse here than any FBI investigation can turn up.

And the crowd? Who the HELL wants them in our tent?


I am still optimistic that Kavanaugh won’t be put on the court, FBI or no FBI report. I bet he’s not been seen in public since his non-Oscar performance last week.
And, I don’t want a bunch of numbskulls added to the tent either.


I guess, “Mob Rule” is this years flavour ? or is it “Deplorable Mob Rule” ?

Did the Ranter-In-Chief find some time to mock the children, he has caged up somewhere ?


I’ve decided not to watch either. But let’s consider what he said about her earlier:

“I thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman.”

What was the chief moral complaint that the insider writing the NYT editorial (or some other anonymous critic who I can’t remember this moment) said about Trump’s essential amorality, that he lacks any sense of guiding principles other than what he thinks advances his interests at any given moment?

Well, here we have a perfect example of it. Pure sociopath.


Stormy Daniels was on Jimmy Kimmel last night. Kimmel held up a tray of orange toadstools of various sizes and has Stormy pick out one that most represented Trump. She got in a few digs. Maybe Trump heard about the show being recorded and lashed out at Ford.


From the way Preshitident Skanky-Manslut is framing the conservative christian discussion about young male rapists being the victims in sexual assault, I am wondering whether he was responsible for the horrific sexual assault on Kellyanne Conway. Woodward, Manigault-Newman and Michael Wolff all noted that the Skanky-Manslut was continuing to force himself in sexual ways on women working in the White Sh*t Hole.

Can “She asked for it” be coming soon?


two coasts for us, and what ever they want to do with the middle

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Asked for it? No. It will be “she PAID for it.”