Polls clearly reveal many Americans are just plain ignorant. This story depressingly shows many live a bizarre fantasy existence bereft of facts and logic.
Here he is, projecting his own fantasy world on everyone else…
“46% of Americans think the Media is inventing stories about Trump & his Administration.” @FoxNews It is actually much worse than this!
Early morning accidental truth telling by the Moron in Chief. Hilarious!
First off, the question itself is disingenuous on two fronts: firstly, “the media” is a broad category; secondly, there’s no indication of frequency.
Has someone in the media, in the entirety of American history, ever completely fabricated a story? Probably; just look at the stories of scientific papers wherein people fabricated data. Or Glenn Beck. Or Sean Hannity. Or James O’Keefe. Or Alex Jones. Or clickbait, aka next-gen tabloid press. (Tabloids 2.0?)
Of course, some might not consider plainly partisan propaganda promoters to be “the media” but probably figure to err on the side of caution. But do they think that this happens often or that it’s just something that has happened? Every day? Every week? Every month? Once a decade?
Next, where do folks like Kelly Anne Cons-her-way fit in, with their “Bowling Green Massacres” and whatnot?
Of course, since these distinctions will likely be lost on some, let’s just point out that all of this pales to the number of people who think Hair Furor is a pathological and/or delusional liar.
The profit motive tends to warp an industry.
Look what it’s done to our democracy.
This is a terrifying finding and more should be made of it. Half of our country, including the vast majority of the political party that runs our government, has fallen prey to propaganda and no longer believes in objective reality. To Republicans, 2+2=5, and it’s only a matter of time before they start taking measures to force others to believe the same.
How depressing. What can be done to fight such pervasive, pernicious, perverse thinking?
We’ve substituted critical thinking skills for a tinfoil hat.
This is a distinction that bears looking into. It gives me a little hope
Ya Don, the negative coverage couldn’t possibly be attributed to the freak show that is your presidency, now could it?
And on several more as well. It’s rather like the percentage of people who opposed the Affordable Care Act. The numbers were very high because those on the right opposed it because Obama and stuff while many on the left opposed it because it wasn’t single payer or didn’t include a public option (i.e., it didn’t go far enough). Most of those on the left (bar the purity trolls) were willing to accept it as a step in the right direction because of its patient protection aspects. Still, if you didn’t break the numbers down by why people opposed it, the level of opposition was high.
In any case, a majority of Americans think Trump shouldn’t be president too, so there’s that. In addition, a large majority (~60%) of Americans think Trump is doing a lousy job of being president.
My boss at work: The news lies because they’re jealous of his money.
Me: Silence for fear of pissing boss off and the taste of vomit in my mouth.
Projecting again. Most Americans believe Trump lies. (Indeed, as I’ve said out here before, “Trump lies” is redundant.)
It’s the startling power of propaganda mixed with a certain level willingness believe/disbelieve whatever fits your preconceived worldview. Some are ignorant, but far more are simply incurious. The very same thing powers religion the world over.
…On the other hand, 100 % of Americans, including even Hugh Hewitt, Jeffrey Lord, Boris Epshtyn, Kelly Ann Conway and every single one of Trump’s Cabinet Officers, absolutely know, with absolute certainty, that Donald J. Trump. every fucking day of the week, “totally makes up stories,”
The feeling was mutual. After you won, the media thought you would become much more stable and honest. Imagine their disappointment.
“I thought after I won, the media would become much more stable and much more honest. They’ve gone crazy…"
Somebody is projecting again…
Republicans are more suspicious of the media than any other group, with 76 percent saying they believe in fake news. The group’s distrust of the news is not particularly surprising as the party’s leader, Trump, spends so much time criticizing the media.
Not just trump. For YEARS, the GOP has been attacking the “liberal media” and painted their Party as unfair victims. trump is just tacky, unstatesman and classless enough to do it from the WhiteLies House.
Thing is, when Repubs/conservatives want to prove a point or to counter an argument, I’ve seen many times where they will mention or link to an article in the NYT, NBC or NPR. See, they are fine with those outlets if they support their point of view.
A bigger question here is why trump has so much free time to watch pollls about the media. No wonder he had no time to call the families of the Niger victims or to discuss the CA fires; he’s too busy acting like a spoiled kid.
I hope the people that stayed home or voted third Party are happy.
Only one in five Democrats have bought into Trump’s media outrage…
So, 20% of allegedly sentient citizens come from the same sack of hammers as the rest of the country. Good to know.
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