Discussion: Trump Loss In Financial Records Battle Sets Stage For Future Fights With Congress

I like a happy ending. So much I don’t need an ecstatic ending…


Exploding like Mt St Helens or better yet Yellow Stone when it finally heaves.


I would suggest we still have the ACA because of Roberts. He found a way when healthcare was on the line for millions. He probably saved the Republican party in the process, but he did save the ACA. There are other cases. His conservative rulings are almost all in support of his view that corporations are people too. Trump’s essential argument is the executive is above congress and by implication the courts. That argument threatens a lot of corporate interests. If the court rules for Trump, America as you and I have known it is over and we are off into Roman empire territory.


These are not mutually exclusive.


This is a good piece by Bob Bauer wrt Trump and Barr trying to block everything.


Love it. Trump makes enemies everywhere he goes, never a thought to what might come of it. Rex could be a deep well of info regarding Russia ties too. Pay back is a bitch. :wink:


I wouldn’t count on them turning on him. Once someone is “pot committed,” it’s hard to convince them to give up the ghost. Plus, at this point the base is a cult following their “leader” and it’s nigh impossible to break someone out of that cult mentality and get them to reevaluate their choices.

In the end, they’re going to be just as whiny as he is, "Leave Donnie alone!!!"


Yes, the ACA remains the singular Major decision that he’s sided with the dems on.

(Note: “Major” decisions are ones like ACA, Hobby Lobby, Citizens United-- the hot-button ones everyone’s got live coverage from the courthouse steps on)

He’s only sided with them otherwise, since he came on board, on the minor, non-political things (excepting only temporary slap-backs like the abortion one that was waiting for a better case/timing).

Happy to see a list of the other Major cases where he sided with the dems, nobody has been able to produce one yet that meets that straightforward criteria.


I want to know why the MSM, which is salivating for impeachment proceedings, isn’t hounding, daily, every single republican senator, asking why they’re so “indifferent” to the lawlwssness of the Trump administration, why they’re so unwilling to act as a check, why they’re cowed by the no-nothing, coward in the White House.

Instead, it’s, “Why aren’t the dems doing such and such and so and so.”

Do your jobs, damn it!


I was pot committed in college. If the ship of state doesn’t get back on course soon, I may have to recommit.


The article says trump has hired a bunch of lawyers who are set to sue companies who receive subpoenas. Ok, who is footi g the legal bill here? I bet trump himself is not. So who is stupid enough to waste tens of thousands of dollars this way?


Totally agree. With this crowd, it’ll come down to a whistleblower or to perp walks for defying the courts.

Speaker Pelosi its time to Shite or get off the pot.The ball is totally in your court to move forward with impeachment,your cacus is fed up and their voices are getting LOUDER !

Very informative. Thank you, @leftcoaster. :smile:


The latest Quinnipiac poll has Trump down below 38%. Why no questions to Mitch et.al about the public’s disapproval? The media likes the spectacle of the Dems in disarray. How about a little Republicans are cowards.


I’m curious as to why so many people are convinced that the 5 conservative/R justices are going to do Mongo’s biding. I understand Thomas is a lock, but he has always been a douche. Alito, pretty much. G man and Kav probably. It appears that Roberts is the swing vote on this and, from my perspective, I don’t see him wanting to go down in history as the end of the Republic. He has signaled that several times.


Heh, backpage .com got seized by the government in 2018

People tend to discount an older mans quest for “legacy”. You also see it in Barrs fear of the contempt charge. It is real and I think it comes into play with Roberts, especially since being saddled with Barf K. It is the Roberts court and he gets all the credit in history, whichever way it goes.

With 74% interested in what is going on politically. An unheard of number this far out. Trump/GOP is facing strong opposition already. Does not bode well for them. :heart_eyes:


Quinnipac looks to have the worst numbers out of the several polls listed at realclearpolitics.com for trump job approval. The average approval is more like 43% and disapproval in the low 50’s. For my druthers I’d prefer about 15-20% approval for daddy trump.


I think the strategy right now is to get the federal courts on the side of Congressional Democrats. That will strengthen the position of the Democrats immensely. Once the courts have told all the witnesses trying to stonewall the Democrats that they must testify, it will be a much better show. I expect all of that to play out over the next couple of months, which will give Congress plenty of time to show the world just how badly Trump has behaved.

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