I see they’ve replaced the seventh fetzer valve on the Projectatron 5000x - it seems to be working perfectly now.
Trump himself was caught telling a falsehood
Yes, he’s a known falsehooder.
Donnie, Donnie, this is not a game you can play and win.
During a Friday rally in Des Moines, Iowa, Donald Trump took several of the criticisms lobbed at him during what was a rough week for his campaign and redirected them at his opponent Hillary Clinton.
Chiselin’ Trump: “I’m rubber. You’re glue. Whatever they say bounces off of me and sticks to you.”
I sure hope he keeps up this line of attack and language. Whatever has been lobbied at Clinton through the years, specially by the right. Unhinged has never and will never be one of them. To call her a liar when HE is retracting his own statements after they are proven to be lies, continues to help us.
This makes him look pathetic.
This has been a great post convention 8 days.
The Whiner-in-Chief is projecting again:
This man really does exhibit every characteristic of narcissistic personality disorder to a T.
Typical play out of the repug book: Blame the other party for that which you yourself are doing.
That don’t fly this time Donald. We;ve all seen the delusion grow strong in you.
Yikes, even his insults are becoming more and more childish. Literally, “I know you are, but what am I?”
I’ve seen this kind of critical devolution and loss of intellectual moderation in cases of dementia.
But, but Mike Pence told us there was no room for this type of language in politics.
“I know you are, but what am I!”
Welcome to American conservative politics.
Edit: Haha, just saw someone post this at the exact same time
Has Trump’s head always been so square?
Got it:
GOP = Grand Old Projection.
Took me a while, but there it is…
At the infamous VA rally, he said, comparing HRC’s campaign style to his, (paraphrasing): She can’t do this. She comes out, reads a teleprompter for 20 minutes then goes to bed.
He said this twice.
The English language has over 100 euphemisms for the word “lie”.
Trump tells a “misrepresentation”, “untruth”, “falsehood”, “tall tale”, “fib”, “fiction”, or “fabrication”.
And “misspeaks”, “spins”, “mythologizes”, “exaggerates”, “overstates”, “embellishes”, or “inflates”.
He “walks back”.
If I had a nickel for every time a corporate “journalist” used a polite euphemism for Trump, I’d be rich.
If I had a C-note for every time one used the word “lie”, I’d starve.
When will he get around to accusing Hillary of defrauding students at a non-functioning “university”?
Well it must be true, he saw it on a video
Project much you Narcissistic Sociopath?