Discussion: Trump Literally Wrinkles Nose At Mention Of Pivoting For General Election

Wow, what a fucking co-inky-dink! Whenever I hear Trump’s name, I also wrinkle my nose - from the smell of rotting pus.


WYSIWYG*. Enjoy it Republicans.

*What You See Is What You Get.


"I’ve done a lot of work on the other side of politics and I’ve always gotten what I want.”

And yet Obama is the Tyrant of Tyrants.

OT: that piece about why Trump’s speech should “worry” Dems? Yeah, sure. This cat is incapable of sticking to whatever script the GOP is forcing him to read and will revert to form fairly quickly. To whit: the above. If he wants to hit the Clintons where they are “most vunerable,” about enriching themselves, well, can’t wait for the $150K he took for small businesses after 9/11 and just about all his other enrichment scams become more well-known.



Like, this is news??


“I think I will get along with the politicians actually,” he told the newspaper. “We will get the government moving. I’ve done a lot of work on the other side of politics and I’ve always gotten what I want.”

Memo to the GOP: Yes, you built that.


Take that John Judis and your suggestion that the Democrats need to be worrying about a new Trump (complete with coherent economic and foreign policy positions).

For the record, I want to note (once more) that I am singularly unimpressed with Judis’ contributions thus far. His statements on the editorial blog fall far far short of Josh’s (which I almost always find to be insightful and valuable). They veer between expressions of the obvious (“Bernie should withdraw now!” Ya think?) and pseudo-sophisticated analysis, as with this last comment and his earlier one where he parsed Trump’s incoherent contradictory claims as sending subtle signals that he is not really as extreme as he sounds. Oh and his comment on Ali really bugged me because there were so many errors in it (Ali was “sent to jail” (he wasn’t); he was out of boxing for 5 years (3 years actually); his quickness and endurance had deteriorated by the time he returned (unlikely–he was 28 years old and at his physical prime)).

Sorry but I’m not clear what he is adding here.


Please let some reporter convey to Trump the praise he has received from McConnell for using the teleprompter!


“Pivot this losers! (◣◢)┌∩┐ I Ain’t Changing!”


That’s right Republicans. He’s all yours…so, go get him. Enjoy the race!



His nose is little too.


“I think I will get along with the politicians actually,” he told the newspaper. “We will get the government moving. I’ve done a lot of work on the other side of politics and I’ve always gotten what I want.”

Oh? Do tell.

***Donald Trump's legal challenge to a planned offshore wind farm has been rejected by the UK's Supreme Court.***
Developers hope to site 11 turbines off Aberdeen, close to Mr Trump's golfing development on the Aberdeenshire coast.
The US businessman and presidential hopeful was taking on the Scottish government, which approved the plan.

Former First Minister Alex Salmond said the latest court verdict left Mr Trump a "three-time loser".
The Trump Organisation responded: "Does anyone care what this man thinks? He's a has-been and totally irrelevant."
Mr Trump began his challenge to the decision to grant planning permission more than two years ago.
He was furious when the Scottish government approved plans for the renewable energy development within sight of his multi-million pound golf development on the Menie estate, north of Aberdeen.
He said the turbines would spoil the view.

Mr Trump made a series of legal challenges in the Scottish courts and then took the fight to the UK's Supreme Court in London.
He argued that planning consent for the wind farm was so imprecise as to make it legally invalid.
***The Supreme Court judges delivered a unanimous ruling.***

The Trump Organisation said: "This is an extremely unfortunate verdict for the residents of Aberdeen and anyone who cares about Scotland's economic future.
"The EOWDC (European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre) will completely destroy the bucolic Aberdeen Bay and cast a terrible shadow upon the future of tourism for the area.
"History will judge those involved unfavourably and the outcome demonstrates the foolish, small-minded and parochial mentality which dominates the current Scottish government's dangerous experiment with wind energy.

Andy Paine, project director for Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm Ltd, said: "This is another significant step forward for the EOWDC.
"It affirms the scheme's potential to position Scotland, and particularly the north east, as a centre of innovative offshore wind power."
Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said: "I am pleased that the Supreme Court has unanimously found in our favour.

SNP MP and MSP Mr Salmond, who led the Scottish government until a year ago, said: "As first minister, I was cited in Trump's legal action. Now that it is concluded, I am free to speak my mind on the damaging impact of his interventions on the Scottish economy.

"These proceedings have been dragged out for years through three successive court judgements by Donald Trump as he tried to stop an offshore Aberdeen wind turbine demonstrator by means of legal action.
"In doing so he has at best postponed, and at worst jeopardised, a vital ÂŁ200m boost for the economy of the north east of Scotland.
"The offshore project could have been built by now with Aberdeen benefiting from becoming the offshore wind research centre of Europe - a vital development at a time of rock bottom oil prices."

WWF Scotland director Lang Banks said:
***"Having failed in his attempt to undermine Scotland's renewables ambitions, it's now time for Mr Trump to move on."***

Stand your ground GOP & RNC!



OT, but dog, this man’s face is more orange than usual. Why do he and Melania (who has the same orange glow) believe it’s attractive to smear orange fish eggs on your skin every night? They probably spend more each week–individually–on caviar that never gets eaten than I spend all year in basic utilities. And how many fools around the world has Melania duped into doing the same?


Yes, Donnie, the bulldozer you drove to get to the nomination is still full of gas.and belching smoke. So put the peddle to the metal. We’ll certainly enjoy cheering you on…all the way to a humiliating defeat.


At this point you have to laugh at the people who rush breathlessly to their keyboards every time Trump fails to be outrageous. He’s nearly 70. Has he ever, in all those decades, suppressed his buffoonery for an extended period? In that speech two days ago, the one so often described as “subdued,” he went off script long enough to make a joke about “peepee.” It wasn’t written about much because ew, I suppose. But that’s what he did. Peepee. I ask you. He will not “pivot,” or act “Presidential,” if by either of those terms we mean act like an adult and not a man-baby. He doesn’t want to and he can’t. There’s so much evidence for that argument that it’s just silly to say anything else.


Isn’t wrinkling one’s nose the behavior of a child?? Oh, wait…



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Yeah, what is it with Judis? I’ve seen better political analysis from Bill Kristol. Between his clueless opinions and Lauren Fox’s cheerleading of every Republican “hero” (Michele Fiore’s knockers are big, patriotic American knockers. And she saved the foundations of Democracy by singlehandedly ending the Oregon standoff!!!), Josh Marshall better get some outside advice about his staff picks.


Donnie I hope you will enjoy getting your ass handed to you in Nov. Assuming you aren’t perp walked beforehand.


He has a pretty big nose for a guy with such tiny hands.

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