…He hates any woman that challenges him, on anything. If they’re smarter, richer, more well liked and respected, superior in any way you care to name…
So pretty much all women then.
…He hates any woman that challenges him, on anything. If they’re smarter, richer, more well liked and respected, superior in any way you care to name…
So pretty much all women then.
I am not sure what he really wants to do. The president is not the king to order things like guilt or the result of trials or anything of the like. That is why things are separate. He has zero experience with this sort of thing. Other than being prosecuted himself.
It is a bit sad though. He and his puppets are also attempting to turn the dossier thing. Which is a bit strange with the hypocrisy. They used the excuse the opposition intel was what you do, does not matter the source. Unless you are a Dem that is.
As far as I know the dossier has been born out and verified by the FBI and others for the most part outside of a few accusations. And given that, it seems more likely than not that those are highly probably to have occurred too.
Ranting on twitter, “Oh, woe is me, why won’t they let me obstruct justice!?”, or in yesterday’s flat-out insane interview,
The saddest thing is that because I’m the President of the United States I’m not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department, I’m not supposed to be involved with the FBI, I’m not supposed to be doing the kinds of things I would love to be doing and I’m very frustrated by it.
seems to me like prima facie evidence of intent to obstruct justice, which (IANAL) is a necessary part of the criminal statute.
Mueller’s mileage may vary.
He’s a babbling fool.
Yes, the American political system has a lot of corruption…chief among which is Trump. Neither Democrats nor Republicans are innocent. But Trump’s obsession with Hillary Clinton is sick. When will Trump grow up?
He’d close Congress, repeal the Constitution, appoint a bunch of puppets / family members to fill important positions and declare himself President for Life if he thought he could get away with it.
Truly, the OMG CLINTON URANIUM!!!1 is the lowest-energy, saddest attempt at a whataboutism nothingburger the GOP has ever employed.
And I do not say that lightly.
He is extremely serious and just gives Mueller additional investigative topics to look at. Sessions and the new FBI director are in trouble.
In every family, where there’s a tweet-addicted family member, there’s always an enabler or two, or in this case many…which at this point is almost the entire GOP.
If only there was a twelve-step program for Twitter, Tweeters Anonymous, which could be tailor-made for Donnie Two Scoops. I’m sure he wouldn’t avail himself of it, but at least it might show him the degree his compulsion to react to everything he doesn’t like via twitter, will eventually contribute to his downfall.
Maybe we can get Tom Steyer to fund a PSA to inform the public after his impeachment commercials run their course. Btw, I never thought I’d be grateful to a billionaire for anything, but those Impeach Trump spots of his voice something akin to sanity.
Then Citizens could call you KING OF AMERICA. Everyone wishes you were Klown King.
I thought they just kept a trio of young women to provide him with a shower when he got too antsy.
For a moment there, I felt a stirring in my loins.
The real surprise is that all of his appointees aren’t in trouble. Oh…they are?
Orange Pustule Hitler is INSANE.
Would that this were true.
He’s 71 and only now is discovering how our government works. He has had to be forced into learning it. Obviously he was asleep during American history and civics classes when he attended that expensive military high school, which was supposed to instill in him some discipline as well. Fat lot of good it did him. He not only doesn’t know anything about our country, he’s still undisciplined, too.
He is a wannabe dictator who acts as of he owns the WH. This thread by Ben Wittes of Lawfare Blog is a good one. Donald Trump is opening admitting how corrupt he is.
Today’s gift to Special Counsel Robert Mueller:
Trump* goes on record with desire to pervert the course of Justice. Motive and Opportunity now established.