“The saddest thing is that because I’m the president of the United States I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department. I’m not supposed to be involved with the FBI. I’m not supposed to be doing the kinds of things that I would love to be doing.
It’s because you weren’t elected KIng, ya fuckin’ moran.
Projection approaches perfection as the walls close in.
Happy Friday, everyone!
Dear Donald,
Calm down. You have a serious international trip to take. You have to attempt to appear serious, even if you are incapable of being serious. And if you don’t calm down - as your twitter rage indicates that you are in a tizzy - you run health risks. Not a good state, for an elderly man to be flying for such a long period of time, to be in.
Oh - those mad people - that’s folks learning about how much more they will have to pay in taxes to fund cuts for large corporations and multimillionaire tax cuts.
Yes, it’s a shame that there’s that whole three separate and coequal branches of government thingy everybody just learned about, you dumbfuck.
And the greatest shame is that you’re the so-called head of one of them!
Now do us all a favor and defect while you’re in China.
“The saddest thing is that because I’m the president of the United States I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department. I’m not supposed to be involved with the FBI. I’m not supposed to be doing the kinds of things that I would love to be doing. And I’m very frustrated by it,”
…People are angry. At some point the Justice Department, and the FBI, must do what is right and proper. The American public deserves it!
Do you see the contradiction there, Donny?
As I understand it, Donald is heavily sedated when he is abroad. This accounts for his blank stares and his tendency to wander off during meetings. There is always someone near enough to point him in the right direction, and the Secret Service detail is standing by with a tranquilizer dart in case he looks like he’s coming out of it.
President Donald Trump vented about the wall between the White House and the Justice Department in a Thursday interview, complaining that he’s unable to ask the DOJ or FBI to investigation Hillary Clinton.
Here’s an idea. Why don’t you, or one of your friends, hire a team of private investigators to investigate all those things about Hillary? I hear those guys looking into Obama’s fake birth certificate are just about finished with that project, and you wouldn’t believe the things they’re finding, I can tell you that.
This has been remarked upon many places, but bears repeating. A great many prosecutors will have a more difficult job should they be litigating a case wherein Trump has told the entire world the defendant is guilty as charged, often before proceedings have even begun. Not only pronounced guilt but expressed his desired punishment, and lamented ahead of time the negligence and ineptitude of any prosecutor that fails to successfully convict.
Shut the fuck up, Donnie!
…as the DOJ, I’m sure, laments there is nothing to investigate her for.
Poor Donald. He really doesn’t want to be President because Presidenting is hard, but he still wants to be CEO of America Inc. and they just won’t let him. Waaaaaah.
Let that sink in for a minute. The only thing between us and nuclear war is the effectiveness of Xanax. I pray to God that the efficacy data the manufacturer submitted to the FDA wasn’t fudged!
That’s where I’m at. I can’t stand to hear his voice when he comes on TV to speak, for any reason. His picture, no matter where its taken, shows what a freak of nature he is. He’s an embarrassment. It’s always obvious he’s clueless about the most basic shit when he opens his contorted mouth to give his uninformed opinions. I change the channel when I see him on TV and pretend America really doesn’t have a President. All I know is…
He’s. Not. My. President. (Maybe I’m in denial, but I prefer it this way)
Can’t wait until he leaves the country too. Let him be someone else’s problem for a few days. How much worse can it get with him out of the country??
This is how he greeted the French First Lady…
And this is how he treats foreign leaders away from home…
I see no difference. He’s just plain rude and unnecessarily aggressive.
And this is who the Republicans continue to protect from the consequences of his actions. Unbelievable.
Dictator wannabee says what? What a fuckin’ buffoon.
Goddamn he has a Hillary complex!
Doesn’t understand his job.
Doesn’t spend any time doing his job.
Spends his time in fantasy world from the Sinclair FOX Breitbart Infowars propaganda complex.
He’s a misogynist. He hates any woman that challenges him, on anything. If they’re smarter, richer, more well liked and respected, superior in any way you care to name, he hates them with a passion. They’re disposable playthings, good only as arm candy and status symbol ornaments. A “10”, as he labels them, is moderately acceptable. So long as they remain a “10”. The first wrinkle or gray hair that shows up and they’re a dog. He’s truly a detestable person.