Discussion: Trump Lambasts Jeb Over Comment On 'Anchor Babies' And 'Asian People'

Well I do speak Spanish ( the Peruvian variant ) and I have to disagree with you. We don’t speak American in the USA but if you used the phrase anyone would know what you were speaking of. We speak English, the North American variant.

Mexican Spanish and Castillian Spanish actually have little difference. There are pronunciation differences and rhythm differences but the words are the same as is the structure. In short…you can speak any version of Spanish to a native Spanish speaker and they will get it all. Same for English.

Trump knows they speak Spanish in Mexico. He was mocking Jeb.


T-Rumpasaurus belittles…

First Donnie skewers jeb for using the term “anchor babies” then he turns around and whines about Bush speaking “Mexican” and demanding English. So then, here we have Chump’s xenophobia on parade. Because he cannot speak SPANISH, he has to denigrate someone who can.

It tweets, it pokes, it jabs…no 30-something model or scion is safe.

Mexicans speak Mexican in exactly the same way as Belgians speak Belgian.

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I suppose Vice-President Carson could just drone bomb the length of the border until an insurmountable high pile of rubble existed.

Rosetta Stone teaches Acapulcoese but it’s pretty worthless except for propositioning pool boys and maids and ordering room service.

damm i could hear that bitch slap from way over here!!!

Apparently Trump is trying to run Jeb out of the race now. Strategically that is a good move. Jeb is his biggest competition.

And probably also to mock his wife being from Mexico. And yea I know both of Trumps wives have been from outside the US but he a dick so there’s always the “do like he says not like he does” factor.

So three of the lead articles on TPM are about Trump; in one, he’s taunting Lindsey Graham; in another, he’s attacking Megyn Kelly; and in the third, he’s lambasting Jeb. All in just one day! I know people who’ve predicted the demise of his campaign have ended up with egg on their face, but this cannot go on for another year imo. At the end of the day, most Americans are fair-minded and, I believe, will ultimately reject this sort of raging id masquerading as a political campaign.

Though of course, those tourists aren’t having “anchor” babies, since they’re brought back home after they’re born. They’re more like “less paperwork in 18 years to get my kid into Harvard” babies.

And really, speaking “Mexican”? I’m starting to think there may be something to the Democratic-plant theory…

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Never underestimate the stupidity of “The American People”

Everything and anything coming out of Trump’s mouth is an insult, though.

Okay…but it still doesn’t make sense to me since I’ve heard people talk about speaking “American” and “Quebecois” despite those being dialects of the language. Sometimes you humans can be too confusing.

You’re welcome. Sometimes people don’t like it when I go off topic or get too academic.

From my research and what I learned, Mexican Spanish and Castillian Spanish are a lot closer than, say, Quebecois French and Langue d’Oil French, but there are vocabulary differences, a few pronunciation differences and one grammatical difference. That said, I may be thinking about this very differently than most people do. I can be overly academic and categorize things very differently than is sometimes standard. I have heard people refer to the English we speak here in the US as “American” rather than English. So, it can be confusing to me when discussing things with other people.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t and still am not entirely sure if this is something that can be considered insulting, but I’ll take your word for it that it was incorrect to call it Mexican.