Discussion: Trump Lambasts Jeb Over Comment On 'Anchor Babies' And 'Asian People'

The great iconoclast Dr. Seuss was able to predict what the Republican Party would look like today in 2015 in
“The Butter Battle Book”:

Who knew Seuss was like Nostradamus? And look…there’s the fucking tRump Wall…And omg, did he reference butter? Did I just blow your mind?

Btw, the story is about a conflict between Yooks and the Zooks…The only difference between them is that Yooks eat their bread butter side up while Zooks eat it butter side down. If that doesn’t sound like the GOP, I don’t know what does.


Based on these various anchor baby definitions floating about it seems as if Jebs children are anchor babies as the mother is foreign born. Am I correct on this? My son is an anchor baby too as I am foreign born any advice on how to break it to him? Will he have to get a drivers license with some kind of A hologram or watermark?

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Trump has been variously described as a troll, a bomb-thrower, a bull in a china shop, a provocateur, and so on. While all of these are accurate in their own ways, there’s another term that describes what he is, and points to the effect he has.

Catalyst: a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. Catalysis is the increase in the rate of a chemical reaction due to the participation of a catalyst. With a catalyst, reactions occur faster and with less energy. Because catalysts are not consumed, they are recycled. Often only tiny amounts are required.

Every time he opens his mouth or tweets a comment, the effect he has on the GOP field and the general direction of the clown car seems far out of proportion to the substance or significance of what he says. He’s singlehandedly pulled the entire GOP far to the right on birthright citizenship, yet he appears to be completely unaffected himself by the controversy. Bush and Walker have comically bungled their responses to Trump’s bloviations on the subject, while Donald himself sails on.


“Will he have to get a drivers license with some kind of A hologram or watermark?”

I’m sure the preferred solution of the GOP base, and especially of Trump’s fans, is for a large letter “A” to be branded into your son’s forehead.

As Brando said to Schneider, “Pass the butter.”

Trump manages to offend both parties and all cultures in one five minute speech. More after the jump…

sean malloy: Trump has the most powerful index finger of any human!ut

but sean, do you know where it has been?

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Trump doesn’t pay attention to details, he only sees the big picture. When things go well, he takes credit. When they go south, he blames others. Sounds pretty infantile, eh??

Excellent analogy!

Interestingly enough, however, is the calls he made Friday/over the weekend to do away with the “carried interest” tax loop hole has almost entirely be ignored by the MSM AND his political opponents. Not even a peep out of Grover Norquist.

The frontrunner for the GOP calls for raising taxes on the wealthy, and nobody takes note?? Very odd.


Yes. It is wrong to call it Mexican. The language is Spanish.
If you want to talk about differences in Spanish, that’s another conversation. But there is no language called ‘Mexican’.


I sat on a jury for a civil case regarding a colon surgery gone wrong. (Yes, it was just as horrible as it sounds). At one point they had a specialist proctologist on the stand and he turned to us, the jury, and with great delight, held up his index finger, “Or as we like to call it in the industry…the Bio Probe!!”.

Megyn Kelly does.

Shit! Looks like we need a wall…fence or whatever around the whole USA. Asians to the left of us Mexicans to the right…and were stuck in the middle with Trump. Watch out…the Uzbecks are coming!

You have to admit…Trump has his moments…and although we have all ( me included ) predicted his demise the asshole just keep right on trucking. He doesn’t do attack ads via a PAC he does Fuck You ads via Trump. It is entertaining.

If anyone has Trump’s ear give him this:

Trump should have a field day with that after Walker’s mouthings a few days ago.

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So, irony is not The Donald’s strong point.

Mexico isn’t going to do shit about some wall. Trump is talking thru his ass, as usual.

The bigotry-it burns.

QUOTE: And sorry again about going on about the linguistics. Is it considered wrong to call it Mexican, though? I sometimes don’t know.

RESPONSE: Don’t be sorry - really appreciated your explication!

I think Trump, a guy that grew up in the most international city in the world, knows the difference. He was poking fun at Jeb with that quip.

Chump never fails to behave like a certain poster we know well here who is currently under suspension. Always ready to act the spoiled rich child.
I’ll be very happy should his candidacy go down in flames.