Discussion: Trump Lambasts Jeb Over Comment On 'Anchor Babies' And 'Asian People'

Discussion for article #239751

 who cares that he speaks Mexican

That’ll make up for the comment about drug running rapists for sure.


Birth tourism from China is actually a thing. Is it as big a problem as the large-calved Mexican rapist anchor babies? I guess it depends who you ask.


Gawd, he’s all over the place

Jeb speaks “Mexican”? WTF?

Criticizing anyone else for the anchor baby meme?

Reminding people that John Ellis Bush is ashamed of the family name? (OK I’ll give him that one.)

I had a friend who, after a particularly stinging point was made against his opinion, would say, “See, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” Trump is pulling the same thing.

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This is what I meant on one of the other Trump threads when I talked about him attacking O’Reilly. It’d be swell if he did.


Trump has the most powerful index finger of any human!


Incredible…one spoiled brat, overgrown child, fighting with another spoiled brat, overgrown child. Pretty much the state of the GOP, aye?


Flameout is inevitable.

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Think of the trouble one could stir up by creating a “Vladimir Putin” twitter account and going all petulant tyrant on Trump with it.

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Are there no clever pols to egg Trumpty Dumpty?

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I would vote for Alan Grayson as “most likely to”

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and @ignoreland, believe it or not, Trump is kind of right on this one. Jeb! probably does not speak Castillian Spanish, but rather the Mexican dialect of Spanish just the way that most of us speak the American dialect of English as opposed to the English dialect of English or the Australian dialect of English. As the late feminist Gloria Anzaldua pointed out, Mexican Spanish is different from other varieties of Spanish and includes words borrowed from Nahuatl and Mayan. There are some ten subdialects of Mexican Spanish as well.

Sometimes a dialect spoken in another locale can morph into another language entirely. English is not the best example, but the differences between High German and Low German make the two language groups nearly unintelligible to each other. English, which is technically a subset of German, has so much borrowed from French, Latin, Celtic, Norse, Spanish and other languages that we literally speak a language that is unintelligible to our nearest linguistic relatives- Low German and French. Another example is Quebecois and French. Quebecois is a dialect of French, but it has been isolated from Langues d’Oil French for so long it is practically a whole other language.

So, I guess to be honest, the whole issue of Jeb! speaking Mexican Spanish or just Mexican isn’t really an insult since he probably does speak Mexican as opposed to Castillian. Sorry to go on about linguistics here. I’m not sure if it is considered to be wrong to call it Mexican as opposed to Spanish, but the reality, and something my Spanish professor pointed out, is that speaking Castillian to someone from Mexico can actually cause some miscommunication.

Honestly, though, Jeb!'s just showing how derailed he is and Trump will take any excuse to jump on him he can. Sigh…I wish we could get more news than just Trump’s never ending comments about Jeb! Then again, I think the media is waiting for the Clinton-Biden feud to start.

And sorry again about going on about the linguistics. Is it considered wrong to call it Mexican, though? I sometimes don’t know.


I don’t think there is anyone who can disarm the Republican bomb that inevitably is going to explode before our eyes. Tick, tick, tick, tick…


Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a “fence.” It’s not a fence, Jeb, it’s a WALL, and there’s a BIG difference!

Can Trump really take credit for erecting a wall at the border if Mexico is footing the entire bill? I wonder, once it's built are they going to pay for the continual upkeep, repair, insurance, utility bills (lights, security systems), personnel costs, etc? Is Mexico paying the legal bills for eminent domain negotiations and subsequent settlements for access to all the land for the wall?
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Executive producer?

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Bush: It’s a fence.
Trump: It’s a wall.
Ordinary Voter: It’s a disaster.



“You didn’t build that. Mexico built that!”


In an academic setting, maybe not.

Coming from Trump, the Insult Tweeting Pol, it is.


I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to make the Bush family name worse politically after the W disaster. Heck of a job, Jebbie.


It’s a floor wax! It’s a dessert topping!