In the end I’m hoping Trump gets fried! I also hope the people he swindled get all of their money back.
The stunning rapidity of the GOP coalescence around Trump will be written as one of the five or so most frightening institutional actions Americans have done–in terms of blind obedience to a structure–in the history of this nation.
It is down there with the slavery and the Trail of Tears. Simply looking at GOP operatives casually behaving as though Trump is not the most dangerous human in America at this time is like looking at the people taken over by aliens in Heinlein’s “The Puppet Masters”.
“I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest,” Trump told the Wall Street Journal, noting his policy proposals on immigration and Curiel’s background.
But Trump’s endorsers say he isn’t really going to build a wall, this is just a rhetorical opening gambit. So either they or Trump are lying. Probably both.
So Trump knows, either overtly or instinctively, that his supporters are nodding in agreement with his assertion about the biased “Mexican” judge. They have already taken sides in the legal conflict to follow.
Maybe the silver lining in all this is that Trump’s disgusting and unashamed embrace of bigotry has brought the racists out into the open, proudly proclaiming their hatred. All the better for us to identify and isolate them.
Well, my question: is there some sort of sanction the judge can issue to encourage Donny to quit denigrating the justice system? It would take a landfill full of maggots to gag him (thanks @mattinpa) and I don’t think he has enough lawyers to hold him down and put their hands over his mouth. Is there a pre-trial contempt of court charge?
I suspect that the last thing the Judge wants to do is to shut Trump up.
No doubt.
They don’t call him Donald because they don’t want to get him mixed up with the other ‘angry Donald’:
I think one of our legal-biz friends said the other day that just going around talking like an idiot about the judge outside the courtroom isn’t technically contempt of court.
I’d agree but but for the fact that he has been like this for decades.
And if they drop him for sheer asshat buffoonery, to whom do they turn? The obscure military man Kristol proposed? Paulie? Mittens? The Rs have a bought and paid loser on their hands, and the savvy ones aren’t even going to show up at the convention to watch the devastation unfold.
@mattinpa Legal scholars are scared to death to what a trump spelled with a P could mean.
Even as much of the Republican political establishment lines up behind its presumptive nominee, many conservative and libertarian legal scholars warn that electing Mr. Trump is a recipe for a constitutional crisis.
Mr. Trump has already said he would “loosen” libel laws to make it easier to sue news organizations. He has threatened to sic federal regulators on his critics. He has encouraged rough treatment of demonstrators.
His proposal to bar Muslims from entry into the country tests the Constitution’s guarantees of religious freedom, due process and equal protection.
And, in what was a tipping point for some, he attacked Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel of the Federal District Court in San Diego, who is overseeing two class actions against Trump University.
Mr. Trump has boasted that he will use Mr. Obama’s actions as precedent for his own expansive assertions of executive power. “But I’m going to use them much better, and they’re going to serve a much better purpose than what he’s done.”
[NYT] Mr. Trump has boasted that he will use Mr. Obama’s actions as precedent for his own expansive assertions of executive power. “But I’m going to use them much better, and they’re going to serve a much better purpose than what he’s done.”
The only one interested in his heritage, is you!
The judge is American! Get over it!
Yet one more fundamental disqualification of this man…for any public office, and it’s a disgrace that no one in the Republican party seems to be able to admit as much.
Maybe that is what this is all about. Trump wants a nuke so he can take a shot at Fort Knox.
Yahoo! News is a fetid cesspool of news and events slanted for entertainment of the uneducated, unthinking, lizard brained.reader. The comments on Yahoo! reflect the absolute dregs of humanity. Yahoo! comments sections are like intellectual black holes which suck the marrow out of one’s IQ and soul.
You’d think trumpf’s sister the judge would take him aside and clue him in as to how the judiciary works and tell him just to chill. Well, I suppose she could “tell” him, but for him to listen is doubtful.
Oh, I agree. If they weren’t stupid and/or incompetent, they’d have found a way to stop him before now.
But now that he’s moved on to the more prominent position of Presumptive Nominee, we’re seeing Trump getting a lot more scrutiny than before. And his reaction always makes things worse. No doubt most Republicans have already given up on winning this election, but a lot of them must be terrified at the longer-term damage this guy will do to them.
And yet, I am strangely unmoved by their plight…
If the judge stays on he is more likely to over correct on Trump’s favor to counteract his own anger and to,avoid any appearance of bias. There are jury studies which say that juries credit the testimony of attractive people more than the testimony of unattractive people but if you tell,the jury about this tendency, they over correct. Can’t give you a cite, I saw these long ago.