Discussion: Trump Jokes About His Hair At CPAC: ‘I Try Like Hell To Hide That Bald Spot’

Have these young voices told the Dems what their “message” needs to be in 2018?

I call BS? Sounds good to me


You’re so vain, Trump!

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Next year CPAC will be held here, a Trump Org. property being developed in Cleveland MS in which PP himself will reap about $6 million for branding, collecting fees and other actions kleptocrats take.

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These are rhetorical questions, right?

Staggering how utterly corrupt this party has become. Just unheard-of.

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It’s impossible to beat PuPPet into submission with a message. He listens only to himself, and he knows everything he knows, and there’s no room for other, saner, opposition voices. Whatever he needs to know someone writes out in bullet points on a piece of paper, not to exceed five bullets.

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That would make it impossible for him to bond with the GOP base.

Well that’s good Donnie…we joke about it too.


Arranging his “do” is part of Trump’s “executive time”.


We know Trump can’t respond to anything rational because he is so wildly irrational. And I think we agree that a good get-out-the-vote message is essential. I think “I call BS” is more anti-Trump than pro-Democrat, which may be even better. I find “A better deal” pretty insipid.

Hey, Ben. All due respect, but if that means hanging with Trump, I’m out.

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The current feeling is we’re not pro-Democrat and just doing anti-trump. But so much is understood about what Dems represent and that future plans will include including Medicare For All or single payer, whatever it’ll be called, and a firm, unrelenting position on banning assault weapons. People don’t pay attention to what we consider important but those who do know this. Yes, I read too much too, that’s why I say these things.


Bald spot


Giant orange Trumpp spot



Wow! donnie can do self-deprecating humor? Amazing! Whodathunkit?

Hey, wait! This is it! This must be the start of his pivot to being presidented! Errr… presidential, I mean.

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Trump’s hair is probably more like a monk’s tonsure. As far as I know the picture below is not photoshopped, and it shows him with a hairline. The best guess is that Trump had scalp reduction surgery that brought a flap from the back of his head to the front, but he went bald in the middle of his head. The bare middle of his scalp is what he strives so earnestly to cover up.


In a major Freudian slip by our Dirty Harry Wannabee Demographic attending the CPAC, the Convention Center is called the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center…


He’s so vain, he probably thinks that song is about him.

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From Ivanka

“She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate—a contained island after scalp-reduction ­surgery—surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray.”


That’s some weird shit there. I would not choose Trump’s cosmetic surgeon.

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I’m assuming you know the story of how he assaulted Ivana after he’d seen her dermatologist for help with his hair, couldn’t get the help he wanted, came hope and blamed her for his lack of success with his fist.

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