Here comes another trainwreck…
I cannot even begin to imagine the knuckle-dragging cretins attending this event…
Kinda like the Night of the Zombies, dressed up.
If only he tried so hard at being president, but I suppose given the results we couldn’t expect much improvement.
Hangin’ in, hangin’ in, I’m hangin’ myself tonight is what I’m waiting for.
And they just love him.
Not like a commander-in-chief.
Not like a statesman.
Not like that nutty uncle who’s just so crazy-cute sometimes.
Not even like a toddler who still has age-appropriate boundary issues but will grow up just fine.
They love him like a pet.
Not just any pet.
A pet they really wish they hadn’t picked up – most likely a rescue weasel of some kind – but hey, they picked him, and doesn’t he act just like a weasel all the damn time? Tearing things up, smelling awful, never know who he’ll attack next – maybe even them … and oops, turns out he can’t be housebroken or trained, 'cause that’s just what they do?
But he was their very own choice, and even though he even has them terrified, how can they possibly back out of that?
That kind of love.
Losing your healthcare won’t be enough to break that …
Trump’s lies are also bald.
“Also, the fact that I’m stupid… Also, the fact that I’m insane…”
So Presidential. Unpresidented, how presidential.
They could even sell postcards of the hanging…
“Oh, boy. Oh, I try like hell to hide that bald spot, folks. I work hard at it. Doesn’t look bad. Hey, we’re hanging in. We’re hanging in. We’re hanging in there, right? Together we’re hanging in.”
Why do I suspect this is not entirely about a bald spot?
o/t but could easily apply to ‘hangin’ in trump’
From the Hill - Florida Shooting Survivor has a new name for Marco Rubio
One more unfunny third-rate would-be comedian in an after-hours club attempting to make jokes about his unattractive appearance. Where’s CPAC being held this year, anyway? Atlantic City?
“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
-Ben Franklin
Apparently there’s even more classiness in his speech: