Discussion: Trump Is Still Mad At Fox News For Bernie Sanders' Town Hall

Black people in the south are not voting for Buttigieg. He has no relationship with that community. So he has zero chance at the nomination. White liberals alone do not decide this contest anymore. https://t.co/0vbBedY3dA

— Marcus H. Johnson (@marcushjohnson) April 17, 2019

This is truth.

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I think this is true. That’s why I love him as a VEEP for any of the Democratic women running. He’s already debated the current VEEP - he seems to be the perfect person for the job.


Near retirees often count down the days till they can get on Medicare. All the “no socialized medicine” speech’s the GOP gives can’t make up for the fact that people like their private insurance up till they actually use it.

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Black churchgoers are notoriously homophobic.

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Delusions of Grandeur. He also walks around applauding himself. He believes his office is a teevee show. He’s insane.


Yes, there’s some of that definitely. In addition, he has no connection with Black voters, South or North.

This, IMO, is what’s going to put Biden over the top.

Now that Rupe has been pretty-well pensioned off, is it possible Faux sees Trumpfs limitations and is edging away?

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How much? $130,000?

Commander Orange will unleash his revenge in 3 . . .2 . . .1 . .
But then where will he get his daily military briefings ?

The ratings, it’s all about the ratings. Maybe Faux is in the toilet where they belong.

That’s because he can’t see his feet, or his limo.

Laws, precedents, anything described with the phrase “Obama-era,” social decorum.

Oh–and rain.

ETA: Sigh–I see @pluckyinky covered the “rain” one already.

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Nothing to do with (most of) your comment, but this bit above reminded me of an Onion article.

The one thing Don Quixote and Don(ald) Trump have in common is self-induced delusion.

Sancho Panza tries to talk Quixote out of attacking the windmills, but he would have none of it. Quixote was no coward.

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I’ve seen this movie before.

Trump can’t even be original in his senility.

Markos. He didn’t “crash the gates.” He slipped through them, MONETIZED, and now works to keep others out.

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At Trump’s stunted level of emotional development, his reaction to fear is almost always to display anger.

(With one notable exception: Putin. Trump clearly fears Putin, but he never says one negative word about him, and always goes full beta dog whenever he’s in Putin’s presence.)

Yup. That was crystal clear in the 2016 GOP primary contest. First “Low Energy Jeb.” Then “Lyin Ted” and “Little Marco.” He didn’t bother with insulting nicknames for those who he didn’t feel threatened by.

I mean yeah, he’s also just an emotionally stunted fifth grader who gets off on insulting people and sometimes does so just for kicks – but for the most part, he deploys his name-calling and insults strategically, focusing on those he feels most threatened by.

Right now, that’s Bernie and Biden, by virtue being the current leaders in the polls (Trump pretends to not believe in polls, but time and time again his comments and tweets show he pays close attention to what the polls are saying). Thus the tweeting about “Crazy Bernie” and “Sleepy Joe.”

And of course Bernie really got under his skin by doing the Fox News Town Hall. From Trump’s (insecure, emotionally stunted) point of view, Bernie came into his house, repeatedly and harshly criticized Trump, and got big applause for it from the live audience, in front of an at-home audience of millions – so naturally he’s furious that his people stood there and let it happen.


Fox will have a hard time finding an audience that is going to work against many of Bernie Sanders progressive policies, because the DC politics is different then that of the rest of the country. In 1937, the southern republicans abruptly switch to democratic party, when Roosevelt provided money and jobs. In a perverse way DC and the media have acted as a buffer between the people on the coasts and the middle red states.

One of the stupidest things that democrats have done is ignore red states. When you talk to people you get to know what their real issues are and you often create a bond and trust. Look, Obama who reached out in Iowa won it in 2008 and 2012. The state is 97% white, and is Steve Kings’ state. Nothing is what it seems.

The division between red and blue states and the lack of contact between the two has helped to create the so called division, which I think is mostly bullshit. The way to diminish the veil is to have democrats show up like Obama did in 2008.

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