If it is so easy to vote multiple times, why not tell his supporters to vote 20 times? Is the message that voters who vote for Democrats the only ones smart enough to vote multiple times? Go ahead, Trump, tell your voters to vote multiple times so they can see first hand how hard it is to do that.
This is very dangerous talk. If Mr. Trump continues with these outrageous accusations, we will have “citizen’s squads” monitoring polling places intimidating voters. Some potential voters will not be intimidated and call the squads out. There will be a spinning out of control. People will be hurt and our democratic processes damaged.
Has Mr. Trump no idea of these consequences? This inflammatory rhetoric must stop.
But it won’t.
Good. Now we can label all his down line GOTP candidates as vote suppressors and riggers lol
Trump’s Army of Voter Intimidation… something the Justice Department can investigate (or states’ AG’s), thereby reinforcing his own conspiracy theories.
Good lord, if this doesn’t get nasty it will be a miracle.
Yertle, Pauly, McTankerous: We’re waiting.
To be fair, it does take a bit of smarts to be able use that super secret HRC decoder ring… Mine just keeps telling me to drink more ovaltine…
It’s already gotten nasty. It will be a miracle if there’s no body count at the end of it.
STaight ouT of the libTard playBook. Trump is Going to beaT them at their own game.
“We’re going to watch Pennsylvania,” Trump reportedly said. “Go down to certain areas to watch and study and make sure other people don’t come in and vote five times."
Man, that is some racist shit right there.
I guess he feels that, if he can’t win, he can at least cause a lot of trouble. He may be happier in his role of walking, talking carnival freak show than he ever would be as POTUS. It suits him much better.
He doesn’t think he needs GOTV efforts, but this??
What he’s doing is telling his followers to violate Pennsylvania election laws:
Why do I think the prospective observers will have more guns than tabulators.
The continued descent into a banana republic continues apace.
Keep Out The Vote
Only way Donald loses in Pennsylvania, and Ugg mean this 100 percent, is if voters discover Trump is flaming orange asshole. Har har har.
Random noise from crazyland. If he actually came within a thousand miles of trying anything like this the injunctions would fly thick and fast. The only thing that will ever be observed is Donald’s expansive ass being handed to him in court. And the only thing you’ll ever get from volunteering will be a prominent spot on their sucker list.