Discussion: Trump Introduces VP Pick Pence: 'We Are The Law And Order Candidates'

Many of us are so sick of watching and hearing his schtick that we just can’t bring ourselves to view another minute of it. Yet the media make sure every move he makes and every thought he has is broadcast – that’s how we got to where we are today. It occurred to me this morning while I was making coffee (so, no caffeine to clear my head) to wonder how many of the top media figures today live in Trump buildings.

Ever since the press changed from dedicated people digging for and reporting hard news and hanging out at their own bars and cafes to socialize with each other (instead of the people they are reporting on) it’s been a mess. Nowadays, any event where the elite meet in Washington or New York is filled with so-called journalists dressed to the nines and rubbing elbows as GUESTS with the people in power, instead of watching from the sidelines. Of course they’re not going to distance themselves from getting to mingle with the fancies “now that they’ve seen Paree”. But this time, I’m thinking there’s the added incentive that nobody wants to be evicted from their nice homes in upscale neighborhoods because they angered the guy who’s name is on the building.


The Shape-Shifters who have the ability to grab the “hip” kids and the “devil-may-care” crowd…

“War? We don’t want it!”

“Sex? Do your own thing!”

“Drugs? Get as stoned as you want!”

Of course no mention of the “every man for himself” philosophy…The TVA would have never been created by Libertarians. And a Libertarian doesn’t give a damn about the last things I just wrote. They are a bane to hardworking people…and a boon to distracted, privileged people who think that 1789 was just fine, thank you.

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I believe many many tens of thousands of people took to the streets. It didn’t get TV time.

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Where’s Melania? Stepford summer camp?


Did he ever say Pence would be a good VP? or if need be a good President? Or was it just more about the Donald?

God is Dog backwards.


Bravo! The Libertarians are the most heinous thing to happen to American politics next to Donald Trump and they aren’t much better.

I know who John Galt is and I hope he is lost forever.


Where’s Melania? Stepford summer camp?

Ciao Dahlink. Back stage I vas, vis zat nice Meester Manafort, sharing viz heem mine meelk duds.


Mike Pence seems like the offspring of Ted Baxter and a Quaalude, but don’t get complacent. I think he may be playing the long game:

VP pick --> VP --> bullet --> president

because I can’t conceive of any other reason why a person would subject himself to Trump abuse. I wonder if this is why Christie has been hanging on and destroying all credibility and respect for himself, as well.



Trump says he chose Pence to bring about “party unity”.

Wait. Donald has continually told us that HE was the unifier, and not just for the GOP, but for the entire nation.
Now he tells us that it was Pence all along, but they only intend to unify the party.

Of course, in one respect, Trump has indeed been a unifying force:
He has managed quite successfully to unify white supremacists, Nazi wannabes, xenophobes, misogynists, conspiracy theorists, and other assorted bigotry-laden nut jobs under his banner.


A little late to the party today,but before I went out earlier I caught I think Dana Bash making a comment that since both Trump and Pence would be on the stage together how would the body language be ?
I just saw this on another website:

“Once his running mate came on, Trump promptly left the stage.” OUCH !


I can’t thank you (and others) enough for watching this crap so I don’t have to. Seriously. I’m getting too old to tolerate actually watch the press treat someone insane like he’s not. But I very much enjoy hearing when a massive snub like this is perpetrated on a jerk like Pence by the guy he’s got to smile for.


Bill Maher was pretty good last night and the funniest part of the show was when he did Donald Trump’s “25 things you don’t know about me.” One of them was that he kept the box that Melania came in so that he can return her when she hits 30.


I am convinced that people under 30 are not as concerned by what you wrote, because that’s all the “press” they have ever known in their short lives.

THAT is a MONUMENTAL problem.

I have written about the Military Draft on many occasions here, not because I am a militarist, but because one thing which may have gotten kids awakened about the filth of the MSM is the fact that 19-26 year olds would HAVE TO follow the utterances of warmongers like Trump…and DEMANDED that this fucker (a) answer some grown-up questions (b) be prepared for FOLLOW-UP on his answers and © explain all of that to the American people.

ENERGY of the young is hard to quell… But the Powers That Be would never re-institute the Military Draft for precisely this reason.

20-somethings playing video games on Monday and going to Trump rallies on Tuesday (with their parents) to hear Trump grunt, “We need MIGHT!!” can do all this far more easily and fearlessly with no Military Draft.


NOOOOOOOOOO!!! I was looking forward to more memes!!!

How sad.


The great thing about the Internet is that it remembers.


The powers that be won’t re-institute the draft because: Vietnam.

They learned. They learned that if they can separate us, the people, from a war, we won’t start protesting that war. W’hen you have a standing imperial all volunteer force there is nothing that anyone can protest - they volunteered. Their families know that and the way it’s going, the families are mostly military. We’ve already built a permanent military class.

Getting rid of the draft was a stake in the heart of democracy. Democracies should not go to war unless the entire population is behind the effort and fights because that’s what a democracy does.

But they learned because we forced them to end that war so they keep us separate now from the entire military complex.


Unfortunately, we no longer are paying for that microphone and they know it emiliano. You might think we are because they are on public airways but not really. Cable for one thing, is not that way. The people that pay for the airways now are the major corporations that not only trade on Wall Street themselves like the 6 big media companies, but also are the ones that buy up all the big ad time like Big Phrma, Big Agra, Big Oil and Gas, and Financial Service Industry themselves. Its a closed-loop system. They don’t need us as much as they used to…except for ratings to equal what they take in by way of ad revenues.

They like Hillary’s ad money. Its already in the bank and they can bank on more of it. But with The Donald, they get their payback by way of ratings…and they’re not about to stop now. He has no ad buys to offer them and they know it. So they recoup their losses the best way they know how…by continuing to sell him like a product, or better yet, like product-placement. Its pathetic because its so skewed for a Presidential election especially in terms the equal time model we’ve come to expect between the candidates. And that’s why cable is rife with propaganda…the bad kind.