GOD! He is SUCH a freakin’ PECKERHEAD! WHY is he touching that marine? WHY is he running his mouth? WHY is he putting down those he must work with to get ANYTHING???
Imagine, if you will that in this picture it’s President Obama. And that it’s First Lady Michelle Obama standing idly by, smirking.
I bet the right wingers would be going BALLISTIC. Saying how Obama hates the troops, probably tried to kill the Marine in the name of Allah, that FLOTUS Michelle is anti-American…
Strangely, they are quiet.
Maybe, just maybe, some of the press will now realize that “The Emperor has no clothes.”
Ya, we are all disappointed with the Republicans, all of them including the Little Donnie Trump and the rest of his minions. They all have proven that they care more about their own personal wealth, political advantage and status than they do about the country. Disappointing, very disappointing. Uggggely, bigly really disappointing.
Yes, but that’s not funny, is it?
Hey so I thought Trump was supposed to be a great negotiator? Where is “art-of-the-deal” ? This inept buffoon CAN’T EVEN WIN OVER MEMBERS OF HIS OWN PARTY???
“I’m disappointed that it doesn’t go quicker,” Trump said. “I like them a lot, I have great relationships**. Don’t forget, most of them I didn’t even know. But many of them, like the Freedom Caucus came, and I see them all the time, ‘We love our President, we’re doing this for our President.’** You look at that, you look at the moderates, the same thing.”
OMG there is SO much wrong in this paragraph.
How can anyone listen to him and think this is normal…? That it’s fine that a Leader talks like this???
Well, I guess it’s good that he hasn’t blamed President Obama.
This from the very guy who questioned Obama’s LEADERSHIP all the way…
Trump will never accept responsibility for any failure. It’s always someone else’s fault. If you want your healthcare legislation to pass, maybe spend some time on it. Work with all the policy advisors and experts and political consultants who are a phone call away. Learn something about the issue. Talk to voters. You know, DO SOMETHING.
He is completely divorced from reality. He actually believes that members of Congress worship him because . . . why? his bold leadership? his many successes? his soaring oratory? He literally cannot comprehend that the position he is in–coming up for air for the third time, waiving frantically, and no one cares enough to toss him a life preserver.
Ok, what is going on in the photo?
Is it not because Obama was president that most of these knuckle draggers are in there? Because of their intransigence and the gerrymandered districts they represent, even 45 can’t get shit done. Schadenfreude at it’s finest.
Pelosi > Ryan
He distinctly ordered the Antarctic Blue Super Sports Wagon with the CB and optional rally fun pack.
But ended up with the Wagon Queen Family Truckster in Metallic Pea.
That Marine has got to be thinking W.T.F???
Surprised he didn’t give a little “locker room” pat on the ass.
And “the Blacks,” don’t forget them. They all love him!
Note that not a word trump says has anything to to with the legislation he ostensibly wanted passed and how it might affect the country. It’s all about whether people are loyal enough to him to do what he says. He has no effing clue whatsoever.
Which is terrifying, because the places most at risk from war and climate change are not the places he thinks of as his base.
Well, Legislators? Still think you can ride this tiger?
Burneko over at The Concourse had a really good observation about how the most pathetic thing with all this drama is that it’s all so goddamn repetitive:
This is going to be his presidency. This cycle, with only a handful of permutations is just going to play out over and over again. It’s not morbidly fascinating, it’s just boring. When they get around to the inevitable biopic, it won’t even have the high times segment, it’ll just be a series of segments wherein he fucks up the same way over and over again.
Boring is the Narcissist Killer. No attention means he dies - he is only alive like Tinkerbell as long as someone somewhere is clapping and saying: Good Boy, Donnie.