Discussion: Trump Ignores GOP Guidance On Tariffs, Believes Base Won't Punish Him

Not only will his base NOT punish him, but his “advisers” will eventually come to defend him.


We don’t need the whole base to punish him. About 125,000-150,000 of them would be enough.


Cults rarely “punish” their leaders.

But cults have potentials for disaster, though…


If they swallow the shit sandwich proffered by Kudlow , they’ll eat anything
They have been tiptoeing around tariffs on items that would make it immediately apparent of the damage. There will be a trickle down and the impacts of steel and agriculture are apparent now
Thanks to the dismissal of TPT China has picked up the slack in the region and has a buffer against the US

We just need to keep pushing the meme
It’s a tax stupid!
China ain’t payin’ for shit
You are


Sadly, he’s probably right.

He’s right. 99% of those saps don’t even know what a tariff is. They’re only with him because of the racism.


It’s not a question of whether his base punishes him, which is not likely. The point is he can’t win with just his base and the tariffs hurt everyone who eats tomatoes or needs a new washing machine. It’s a lesson you learn in your wallet about his incompetence and unfitness.


As long as he hates the right people.


Suffer for me “The Donald” my base.
You are the one’s who are to stupid to understand that as long as I rule my country you will continue to have your standard of living will be destroyed along with many of your rights.
But you will always have me worship as long as you are more stupid then me.


Farm commodity prices, particularly for soybeans and corn have fallen and surplus is sitting in heaps on the ground, but the stupids keep up their support. Their farms will go under and be gobbled up by agri-businesses; just as tRump’s real backers want.


Screw the country. Screw the American economy. Screw the world economy.

If my base stays with me - and they always will - I’m good.

Tariffs hurting Americans is a Hoax - just like the Russian Hoax. No collusion.


So ignoring advice from knowledgeable people and interrupting trade talks to impose irrational tariffs means sticking your neck out for the base? I hope they appreciate the enormous sacrifice he’s making of, I mean for, them.


Trump supporters are backwards for sure but they do know when they get hit economically.


But just in case they do…

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And they will blame: Obama.

You should listen to AM Hate-radio and how they are now blaming Obama and Hillary AND “The Deep State” for all these issues.
Meanwhile, Mike Pence is telling them that ALL Christians are being “targeted and Shunned” for their faith.

AND they believe it all…


Given that Trump is too ignorant/stupid to understand how tariffs operate, and that his base is too ignorant/stupid to understand how ignorant/stupid Trump is. . . .


Just like the Wall,
which Mexico isn’t paying for either.


This cult ain’t even a third of the voters.

Everyone else is gonna notice “pocket book” issues.

For whatever bizarre reason, traitor_tRump is sealing his doom with this stupidity.

If he makes it to 2020 without having to wear a jumpsuit that matches his spray-tan that is.

ETA: NPR (National Propaganda Radio, apparently) is reporting this as “Trump admin. economic adviser Larry Kudlow (as if he’s a credible adviser on anything) admitted U.S. consumers will pay the cost of these tariffs but (traitor) tRump is refuting that in tweets.” WTF is there to refute, guys? Why don’t you tell people what a lie this is? Has the ghost of Josef Goebbels taken the place over? SMH. :angry:


Exactly. His “base” won’t punish him, because they aren’t bright enough to know what effects a tariff actually has. All they will see is Trump “sticking it to the Chinese.”

However, the swing voters who have a modicum of economic knowledge and know how tariffs affect the retail prices paid by AMERICAN consumers (i.e. voters with some wealth and knowledge) will see this for what it really is - a ruse to get stupid people to think he is “fighting for their interests.”

His BASE won’t punish him, but the other voters just may. Just another sound bite to cue up for campaign season. Hopefully we have enough to get his ass thrown out.

THEN we can prosecute him!

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