Discussion: Trump: 'If I'm Guilty Of Anything It's That I've Been A Great President'

President Donald Trump professed his innocence in a creative way Friday, telling assembled reporters that if he’s “guilty of anything” it’s that he’s “been a great President.”

Oh thank god! For a second I thought it would show a picture of him in front of the bathroom mirror fluffing himself.

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Until? What makes you think he would stop even then?

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He managed to find something no one would accuse him of.


A mike and a mouth. Trump in a nutshell. Crime bosses like to make that kind of “news”…


Yeah, Hitler said the same thing just before he ate that bullet in the bunker.



What a happy happy thought.

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Sometimes it appears that no matter what the Democrats do, the press only listens to the Republicans. You look at the Sunday shows and you would think that there are no Dems in the government. Steve Benen used to do a count when Obama was in office. While the Dems are not great messengers they are always portrayed as being in disarray when that is not the case. Sure there is some discussion of whether to proceed with impeachment, but it’s more a now or later and process issue than that some crazed dispute where they won’t eventually reach a consensus.


‘If I’m Guilty Of Anything It’s That I’ve Been A Great President’

Glad he confessed.

Now we can go directly to sentencing.




While talking about how great he is, his (small) hands were probably gesticulating wildly, where he appears to be pulling invisible taffy, appears to have an imaginary martial arts opponent, appears unable to speak at all if his arms were restrained at this sides. Do you think maybe he is in midst of new neurological eruptions since he was dissed and seemingly not invited to the Putin-Kim bromance happening? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzWXdVsHMCM

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My understanding is that “Being a Great President” (for Putin) merits five consecutive life sentences :laughing:


I think that the difference between Dems and the GOP is that the GOP have no convictions, and that lack of conviction allows for great message discipline. Whereas Dems pretty much agree on their goals, but have zero message discipline.

,and the fact that its a “now or later and process issue” IS “Democrats in chaos”. As long as the debate focuses on the process, it does not matter that everyone agrees on the problem itself. And the Democratic leadership – Pelosi and the committee chairs, are far more concerned with their own perogatives under the procedures, policies, and precedences established by the House and its committees than they are about the problem.

That being said, I agree that maintaining a sense of normalcy in the oversight process is a good idea – and talk of jailing people using inherent contempt for resisting oversight subpoenas is madness.

Congress can avoid the madness, and address Trump’s unfitness for office using the means that the Constitution intended for this kind of circumstance – impeachment.

Hah! This is perfect. Sometimes he actually says things that honestly make me laugh. It wasn’t his intent but…

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This simply cements my view is that inside that bloated orange sac, there lives an inner child who is scared and insecure. He doesn’t just lie to the rest of us; he is too busy trying to convince himself of his own worth. Too bad he has none.


From the early mid 60’s, a worldwide Spanish Pop hit called “El Modesto” (The Modest One). At the end of the (then) well known chorus, where the singer says how beautiful and wonderful and great and heroic he is, he concludes, “And I am simple and modest as well”. I didn’t know in elementary school, but the singer was Chilean.

I know. You had to be there (in the early mid 60’s to hear wise ass elementary school classmates singing it).


Jajajajajajaja. That’s hysterical! And a great vocal performance también.

I may have to learn that one.

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What is it with Chile and voices? There is a spinto tenor named Giancarlo Monsalve Leyden who is for me the perfect tenor. He’s from Chile originally. Studied in Rome and is very Italian in his approach, since spinto is an italian invention. But his voice - o my god it’s incredible. I heard him and saw him sing Cavaradossi and his E Lucevan le Stelle is life altering.


Alternate Headline: Blathering Slob Blathers Again


He or TPM misspelled “Grate”.