Discussion: Trump: 'If I'm Guilty Of Anything It's That I've Been A Great President'

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Not unlike how great ā€œIvan The Great.ā€ they both were/are essentially cowards who were huge self-promoters.


Truly a legend in his own mind. He is such an obvious and bloated gasbag. How is it that he has managed to avoid encountering a pin or a lighted match for all this time?


And along that same vein, I hope you have the greatest impeachment trial ever!
If thatā€™s not in the cards, may you have the largest re-election landslide loss ever.


ā€œIā€™m guilty of everything since I became President.ā€

Trumptalk gets easier to translate as his term matures.

He still claims Obamaā€™s economy as his own.


Does the media have to publish every laughable statement that comes out of this idiotā€™s mouth?


ā€¦and every time the media reports on nonsense like this is another small victory for Trump.

I;m not criticizing TPM for the post ā€“ the problem is the lack of a Democratic counter-narrative. Right now, the Dem narrative is ā€œchaos and indecisionā€ ā€“ chaos because so many committees are issuing demands for information and Trump is defying all of them, indecision because the Dems wonā€™t start the impeachment proceedings that are demanded by the Mueller report, and which are inevitable given Trumpā€™s blanket defiance of Congressā€™ demand for information.

Democrats need a counter-narrative. And that counter narrative should be ā€œDonald Trump committed an impeachable offense by obstruction a counter intelliengence investigation into Russiaā€™s attack on our democracy.ā€ [on edit] Thatā€™s too wordyā€¦ the counter narrative should be ā€œTrump betrayed Americaā€. Its pithy, and its true enough.

This does not require immediate impeachment ā€“ merely a statement that there exists ā€œprobable causeā€ (the standard for an indictment) to impeach Trump, but that because Senate rules require an immediate trial once articles of mpeachment are sent to the Senate, the House has an obligation to continue to investigate until it can provide ā€œproof beyond a reasonable doubtā€ for the trial.

BOOM! You;ve made it about Trump helping the Russians AND justified continued investigations.


Trumpā€™s really selling himself short here. The main thing heā€™s guilty of is a lack of imagination. Iā€™m sure there are many many things he can come up with that heā€™s guilty of if he only applies himself.


The delusion is strong with this one it is.


Heā€™s now channeling his girlfriend Ivankaā€¦
ā€œIf complicit is being a beautiful and brilliant purveyor of goodness to the whole world, then yesā€¦ Iā€™m complicitā€¦ā€. (Slightly paraphrasedā€¦)


Itā€™s interesting today, though, because heā€™s pretty clearly responding to Bidenā€™s dead on straightforward attack. Defending Charlottesville comments too. Pretty transparent. I guess Biden hit home.


That petard heā€™s hoisting makes Jackā€™s beanstalk look short.


ā€œIf Iā€™m guilty of anything, itā€™s being the president most out of touch with reality. Including that guy, whatā€™s his name, oh, yeah, Buchanan.ā€


Followed by more indictments that you can shake a stick at.


ā€œAnd Democrats donā€™t like it, which is a shame,ā€ he added.

all just trolling

I like the ā€œhere, Iā€™ll hose you with the shit funnel for eternity, itā€™s a shame you donā€™t like itā€ cognitive dissonance, itā€™s total tRUmp


Well said.

Although I think it is the Houseā€™s duty under the constitution to start down the road to impeachment. That mayā€“indeed, it shouldā€“include investigation, but it should be clear that, like a grand jury considering indictment, the body is considering whether to impeach.


Not only is he always objective, he once again proves that, most of all, heā€™s always humble.


Heā€™ll say that right until heā€™s thrown in jail


absolutely. although I think the language should be stronger than ā€œconsideringā€, for reasons having to do with court challenges.

I think the House has to pass a resolution with language conveying that it intends to impeach, and that there is sufficient evidence already to impeach. And use legal phrases like ā€œevidence of probable causeā€, ā€œprepoderance of evidenceā€ and ā€œclear and convincing evidenceā€ to reinforce the sense that impeachment is a judicial process.

The key here would justifying continued investigation despite all the evidence. And (as I implied above) the way to do that is cite the Senate rules that require the immediate commencement of a trial once it recieves articles of impeachment from the House. Those rules compel the House to have sufficient evidence to convict prior to sending articles to the Senateā€¦

and THAT is argument/strategy that should make it all but impossible for Trump to successfully use delaying tactics in order to deny the House the evidence it needs to get a conviction.


ā€˜If Iā€™m guilty of anything, itā€™s that Iā€™ve been a great Presidentā€™

Present perfect, so I guess itā€™s all downhill from here.