And if 56% of the electorate had not stayed home in 2016 you’d STILL be a moron on TV.
Run for office!
If you want to know what public offices are available to you in your community check this site. Enter your ZIP code to see open offices:
Become a Precinct Committee Officer, sometimes it’s a Ward officer. You’ll meet with neighborhood Dems and get out the vote. Find good citizens willing to run for office. Check with your local party Chair.
Run for School Board. Make sure Civics is being properly taught. Think a majority of America knows how government works? Just 26% of eligible voters in America voted for Trump, and over half of all eligible voters just stayed home in 2016. Today’s 16-year old’s will be voting for President in 2 years.
Run for Mayor, City Council, County Commissioner, Borough Assembly. Get appointed to your Planning Commission. Know everything going on in your community.
Run for State Legislature or Congress. The next census is in 2020 when we redraw Congressional Districts. Stop the GOP-led gerrymandering that keeps Gohmert and King in office!
Register people to vote. If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led Voter run-around help them do that. To see your state’s voter registration requirements look here:
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Well, in some quarters at least, there was actual outrage when Obama didn’t just fill out a bracket but went on TV for about ten minutes, if that long, to do so. But I do take your larger point.
This should show the American people that our government system is very highly flawed and demands emergency modifications…the President and Executive branch has way too much control and way too much power!
Barr has blood on his hands going back to the Iran-Contra affair…and for someone like him to return as AG is basically criminal!
The US Democracy is imploding from within…in full view thanks to Trump!
Remarkable that we’re hearing this not-far-from-simple truth on FOX and yet from what I can see the most prominent and visible elements of the MSM can’t quite get their heads around it and use phrases like “no evidence of collusion.” You know me, I defend what’s defensible in the media world to the point of weariness but I can’t defend this. Shameful.
Democrats should take note to ask Barr about Trump’s comments. He will be doing a funny dance to avoid implicating himself in obstruction and not calling the president as full of shit.
Trump going 50% of the way to admitting that Barr terminated the Mueller investigation before it would have otherwise been finished. By this time next week, I expect he’ll be bragging about getting Mueller canned. And yet as far as I can tell, no reporters are bothering to ask any questions about the fairly obvious fact of the premature end to the investigation.
Just confirming what we already know. New GOP motto: Party before country, Trump before Party. The law is for suckers and Democrats. #Repbulicansdidthis, #Theyarecomplicit.
The more people know about barr and his cover up of iran contra and iraqi wmds, and trumps boasting about barr the more people are going to convince themselves that this too is a cover up…
Notice how trumps hasnt received any kind of “bump” as any result of all this…it seems like people are catching on…
For once Trump is RIGHT! Barr was accused of covering up the Iran-Contra investigations by advising Bush to pardon the actors. William Safire, a conservative columnist, dubbed him “Coverup General Barr”.