Discussion: Trump: I Have 'Great Respect' For Sanders, But 'I'm Not A Fan'

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Thought you were trying to attract the berniebros, Donnie. Not only are they “fans,” they are groupies.


Sanders supporters vote for me and I’m going to build you a yuuuge ‘trade’ (((snicker))) wall around the US.


The media obsession, including TPM, with the creature Trump is breathtaking and approaching “near-clinical” levels. We hear almost nothing about the devastating fires in the Los Angeles area.

We hear almost nothing about the massive heat wave affecting the 3 biggest cities in the country,

It’s the Trump Broadcasting Network. All Trump, All the Time. And for what, for breathless anticipation and reporting of his latest puerile blithering.

Meanwhile. Clinton and Kaine will be on 60 minutes tonight wherein Tim Kaine says:

TIM KAINE: Can I say this? I don’t want to-- she’s done a good job of letting the, you know, water go off her back on this. That’s not the way I feel. When I see this, you know, “Crooked Hillary,” or I see the, “Lock her up,” it’s just ridiculous. It is ridiculous.

But I just-- you know-- it is beneath the character of the kind of dialogue we should have. Because we got real serious problems to solve. And look, most of us stopped the name-calling thing about fifth grade.


Donne, just go away and STF up mmmmkay?
I know you won’t but you should.


Hey Donnie-- guess who’s not a fan of you: Very successful businessman Michael Bloomberg:



I have a creepy feeling the media’s Trump fixation is to some great undropped shoe what the Chandra Levi summer obsession was to 911…


In other non news news:

Paul Krugman goes there:

The Siberian Candidate.



Well, Trumplenuts, I feel pretty much the same about you. Except the part about having great respect for you. That I don’t have. But the “not a fan” part I’m down with.


Some of you dopes just can’t give it up. Hope Clinton’s not counting on clowns like you to broaden her support.


it’s around 90 in the general SF Bay Area too… or will be…

6500 acre wildfire burning around Big Sur this morning too…

all of California is tinder dry…


Yes. We are tinder dry. I kept missing the news and didn’t know where the fires were. So it is in Big Sur? Oh dear. There is also a huge Sand Fire here in So Calif.

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I was just looking for a shirtless Putin pic to post.

Don’t forget the bombing of an Hazari gathering in Kabul (Taliban takes credit for killing fellow Muslims) and the shoot’em up in Munich.
We’ve had 10 days of 105+ degrees but that’s a “dry heat” some would say. It seems humid to me. But 10+ days of 100+ degrees is non news guess.
But you are right Ralph. For some reason this “thing” called trump has glommed onto the media and made them his slaves. It’s like a slowed down continuous train wreck we cannot look away from. And media outlets are making HUGE profits off this as the CEO of CBS has admitted.
By all that is rational trump should have been ejected from the stage the moment he called Mexicans “rapists”. Mexico should have sued his ass since that is what he understands.
And here I am talking about trump. I cannot get away from him. I hope my countrymen and women have the good sense to vote for Hillary in such large numbers that the man from Brooklyn loses every…last…state.


There is no link visible which happens to me lately every time I try to post a NYT link. But I’ve found it at the website

@darrtown trump only sound like he’s from Brooklyn. He’s from the borough of Queens, just like me and a few other worthies I could name.

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You are right…my mistake. Thanks for the correction.

Drumpf isn’t a fan of “exhausted” people.

Stepping on his own strategy to appeal to disillusioned Bernie supporters... https://t.co/5xyO2qxHBE

— Alexandra Jaffe (@ajjaffe) July 24, 2016

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