Discussion: Trump: I Don't Like What Scalia Said About Affirmative Action

George Wallace with money and a New York accent.

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"…I read a lot of stuff – and I’m going, ‘Whoa!’ "

What The Donald meant was,“Whoa, bro, don’t say that out loud!”

When Drumpf says “whoa” he means “WHOA!” Especially when immigrants are getting footie prints all over his desert.

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There are a couple of baristas I talk to at Starbucks who sound just like this. Of course they’re immature unskilled workers who don’t have much formal education and hardly any interpersonal skills but good humored unlike Donald who has all of these qualities. On second thought. . . .

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He works at his Brooklyn accent although he’s from Queens, lives in Manhattan and occupies Palm Beach. He’s just showing the dolts he talks to he’s one of them.


I agree with you to a point. While I really do wish we had a more diverse group with a whole range of good ideas from which to choose, I sincerely believe a big part of the real problem is exactly what is happening in the Republican party right now – they are such a clown show that many on our side of the aisle feel it is very likely a cake walk. That’s not good in so many ways, not the Democratic Party and most definitely not the nation as a whole. There is a real lack of competitive thought due to one half of the nation continuing to act out their long-drawn out nasty drama of a dying, hateful party of people stuck in their past, stubbornly unwilling to learn, to grow. That hinders everyone else. So, while I agree with your sentiment–and I sincerely wish we could light a fire under everyone’s ass so they speak up about their sincerely-held, thoughtful beliefs and ideas bout how to move forward on a whole host of ideas–I also feel that the Democrats, by and large, really are doing what I’ve said … just not with as much fire under their asses. We are moving forward on climate – but nowhere near the speed at which we should. We have been and are moving forward with civil rights from a legal standpoint … but we are falling behind with regards to voting, housing, education in general. We have a very ugly economic divide in this nation that is creating a whole host of other problems.

Again, I believe the Democrats are the ones who are moving forward – but they are being hindered, held back by sheer hate, spite and ignorance on a gargantuan level. That’s the way the current Republican “leaders” want it. They’ve put aside the idea of governing, much less governing together. They are proudly hateful, obtuse and obstructive – and that, primarily, is why we have such political leadership lethargy … on both sides (again, primarily on the GOP side, but it has somewhat spilled over).


I think the TPM offices have CNN and Fox News on 24/7 (Josh alluded to that recently). They watch, they report, and Democratic politics don’t occur in those worlds


My only hope for Rs to be humiliated and beaten is a brokered convention. It will be a food fight, a cat fight and a cage match rolled into one. But a more conventional (no pun intended) candidate will emerge and it won’t be the short-fingered vulgarian with a big ass.


Too racist for Trump? Now America must ask itself whether Scalia should be on the Supreme Court or under the care of a competent & kindly mental health attendant.


Some Cruz supporters think Trump is a progressive and would pack the Supreme Court with liberals the same as Hillary. His latest statement will play right into that belief. Expect Cruz to come out swinging in defense of Scalia and the Constitution. BTW, Stormfront voters don’t seem to care or even be aware that Trump’s daughter Ivanka is an observant orthodox jew now married to a jewish man and that Trump’s grandchildren are jewish and he is OK with it. Granted – he’s been dog-whistling to racists all along – and after all, is it HIS fault if his supporters just happen to be anti-semitic too??? He hasn’t denounced them. I wonder what dear daughter thinks of that. In any event, I am no longer worried that Trump will ever be president. Cruz’s Dominionism given power by the presidency is a much more dangerous possibility.

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Agreed but only if Nurse Ratched is willing to come out of retirement.


Not only Ugg but Ralph von Horst.


Positively Keanu Reevian


LOL (literally). Looks like Mr. Trump has BWA (Whoopi Goldberg’s term for ‘Black Woman Ass’).

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Trumpet never, never appears in public without a long jacket on. He’s carrying a blivet and won’t let it be shown in public. You know what a blivet is, don’t you? Ten lbs. of shit in a 5-lb bag.


Yup, when your racism loses our leading loud racist, you’ve really lost America.

Now, that is frick’ gross! Imagine, now, Trump having a ‘poo dobber’ problem … (((severely shudders)))

butt hair that gets a bit ‘paste-y’

And once it’s held (ahem, 2002-2008) do we not get a pass on future morons?

The problem that Mr. Trump has with Justice Scalia is that he made a racist statement, but not one that resonates with modern America. Trump has been careful in his racist creeds to demonize outsiders. Mexicans who are trying to enter illegally, Muslims from abroad, etc. His narrative is that America is under attack from outside. Racist comments about black Americans doesn’t address this fear, just the hate, because black Americans are not outsiders in the same way that recent immigrants are.

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The irony is that Thomas, DT’s favorite, would agree with Scalia.

And Thomas was affirmative action YALE!