Discussion: Trump: I Don't Like What Scalia Said About Affirmative Action

Trump does say what you are thinking. In this case, he was right to excoriate Scalia.

I’ll lay you odds that Trump has never used the word, “excoriate,” nor does he know what it means.


“Trump: I Don’t Like What Scalia Said About Affirmative Action”
He probably really thinks Scalia didn’t go far enough.


And Mr. Trump just knows that Ted Cruz will agree with this statement!

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C’mon, Trump excoriates at least once a week. It gets rid of the dead skin and lets the fresh epidermal cells underneath reach their potential. Every six months, though, Donald has to go in for a full peel. That’s what gives him that glowing, ruddy complexion.


I quote Mencken:

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”


That would be a bummer. : )




O, what a bummer?

Excellent opinion piece in the Times 2 days ago. Explains Drumpf’s appeal to the baggergeoisie.:


Looking past Trump’s typically inarticulate adolescent language, I find his comment nothing less than shocking. I would have bet money that Trump would openly sneer at affirmative action, which would be completely in line with the views of his angry downscale white base, not to mention his overtly racist fans over at StormFront. The latter group is not going to be happy about this comment.


Donnie, do you think 8you8 can influence Scalia’s thinking?? Really.??
Not so very likely.

Either Trump has realized he’ll need the African-American community to win OR he’s pissed off that Scalia said it before he could. Pick one.

I guess you could conclude never having anything to say as “consistent.”

But no, having nothing to say does not imply a person is “very strong.”

Parsing Trump is a trip, sometimes a good trip and sometimes a bad trip. I must admit I did enjoy the way he trashed the son of a Saudi price the other day. Saudi Family desperately misses their relationship with the Bush family.

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“I don’t like what the old wop said, because he only said it about n-CLANGs and didn’t say anything about spics or hebes or ragheads or Ted Cruz or…”

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I so hope that at some point Trump implodes. Preferably before the election. :confused:


Trump: Scalia was too liberal about it. I dont think anyone other than Whites be allowed to go to any school. We need them to do physical labor and other menial jobs. That way the mexicans/rapists will not come here.

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Have you noticed that all the reporting is about Trump and Cruz? Nothing notable written about Hillary or Bernie’s campaigns at all. The democratic nomination was decided years ago – so no one bothers. We democrats don’t even give a crap. Its fun to swipe at Trump — but he is just the distraction so we don’t look at who is waiting and plotting in the wings. Much worse than Trump.


‘I don’t like it’…So Presidential…LOL
The SIMPLETON’S constituents cheer him on…YEEHAW, he doesn’t LIKE it…GO Donald WE don’t like it either…MAN, he can read our mind. WHATEVER he doesn’t like, WE NO LIKE either.

On a serious note, Scalia should be impeached.

tRump also has no clue which way the wind blows either.