Discussion: Trump Grumbles About Bolton, Pompeo Getting 'Ahead Of Themselves' On Iran

Wonder what it says on Bolton’s note pad.


Y’know, if enough people tweet #PresidentBolton, @realDonaldTrump will fire him.


He only knows what people say on Fox & Friends. That’s his world-view.

Of course he didn’t actually know what he was getting with Bolton.



Of course, if he could just manufacture a national crisis that would require him to cancel elections and continue to f*ck stuff up for as long as he wanted, he’d love it.

A war with Iran might seem to serve that cause, in that shriveled prune that passes for his brain.

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Where are we at with that unlawful declared National Emergency at the border where he’s moving US troops willy-nilly and shifting money from all sources, especially the Pentagon? Is it still being pursued in the courts? Its like it dropped off the radar and the news reporting as well. How long do we have to wait for that EO to be rescinded by a court decision I wonder. Plus there’s a debt ceiling fight that has yet to ensue which tRump will also play games with to maximal benefit so I do hope Dems are already prepared since that obviously will happen. All that juggling of self-made, trump-inflicted crises to run on to scare voters. So many dumpster fires yet to be set fully ablaze for his re-election campaign.


It is weird that, whenever Trump has an issue with somebody in the Executive Branch, his instinct is to go to Twitter or cable news. He never seems to remember that he can just get the person on the phone and have a conversation. As the boss. Like normal bosses do.


He’s becoming bored with his human toys. Did you notice that the Walk of Death has begun for FBI Director Wray?


Trump’s base doesn’t want war -that’s in fact one of the issues he campaigned on - and what the base wants, the base gets.

Besides, once you get into an actual shooting war, a million things can go wrong and there’s no shucking responsibility, even for Trump, at that point. Instinctively, I think Trump knows he’d be way over his head as a “war President”.

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President FatSlob doesn’t know enough to not comment publicly and put his cards on the table for ALL to see. Stupid ass!


That may explain why he’s backing down. Vlad dropped a ruble on Trump and said, “Hey, komrade, you’re pissing in my toilet.”


He’s doing his damnedest to shut down legit FBI investigations of himself & his spawn, and to foment bullshit FBI persecutions of Hillary & Dems. It’s all distraction.



If you’re trying to jawbone Iran into falling into line (assuming they even know where that line is), this sure ain’t the way to do it.

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Well as with wrestling, he’s ok with fake fights he gets to win. Luckily he’s a chicken shit and doesn’t want to start or get into a real fight. Trick is can he fight and keep the warmongers he’s got working for him from getting their way.


Its sad how putins hold on drump might be one of the reasons why we don’t end up in a massive war.

Spankee doesn’t ever want to really make a decision for which he, personally, will be held accountable in case it goes bad.

As Commander in Chief, he absolutely positively cannot blame a decision to go to war on anyone else if/when it all goes balls up. Which it very likely could, looking at the clowns running the show (looking and feeling like a repeat of Iraq).


And all the talk of impeachment puts the responsibility for removing him solely on one party that holds only one chamber of Congress.

Meanwhile, the 25th Amendment is studiously ignored by those who could easily invoke it.


Well … what are you waiting for?!

Nobody expects John Bolton to be called an independent free thinker!

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Partly it’s because he is intimidated by anyone who appears to have relevant knowledge that he does not possess.

Which, you know, is a pretty large group of people.


Yes, and right now Iran has the upper hand in the diplomacy department. Trump has managed to make Iran look good. U.S. foreign policy is incoherent. We have no allies and would be going it alone if Iran is bombed. It would all be on Trump.