Discussion: Trump Grumbles About Bolton, Pompeo Getting 'Ahead Of Themselves' On Iran

Trump is just such a weak person who has no idea what leadership look like. This shit never happened under Obama. His team was never out saying things that weren’t his administration’s agreed policy.


No matter what the imbecile does, his brand is in the toilet. He will never recover.


If a meme of “President Bolton” became popular, Trump would tweet/fire him in one minute.


Actually, Trump didn’t know. He assumed that in Bolton, he was hiring another dead-ender who was desperate for a high level job for which he ordinarily wouldn’t be considered. As such, Trump expected unending fealty and a slavish devotion to Trump’s objectives (as best Trump could articulate them during the job interview). Trump never expects his minions to be independent free thinkers.


Well, it’s like they say about blind pigs finding an acorn now and then.


He’s such an idiot. He and his war-huffing toadies honestly believe that Iran is a bunch of people living in the desert and selling Oriental rugs at bazaars. They think the whole war would be like that masturbatory fantasy film for them, “300”, where a small force of Spartans withstood the much larger forces of Persia for a long time. But they keep forgetting that Persia ended up wiping them out.


Trump eats acorns? Does he put ketchup on them like his steaks?

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And yet he’s done nothing to curtail the forward moving war-mongering that both Bolton and Pompeo are working to achieve. What trump doesn’t like is the amount of bad press he’s getting on this. That’s all that ever matters to him, not that he’s against their actual objectives to go after Iran. It was tRump that pulled us out of the multi-lateral agreement with Iran even though Iran was following it according to our allies and our own State Department at the time. He can blame Bolton and Pompeo all he wants but they work at his behest. He’s the decider…and a terrible one at that.


Just wait for the next private, un-minuted meeting with Vlad the Boss to get sign-off on the plan, guys.

hey, asshole, you hired them. and it’s not like their longtime lust for an attack on iran wasn’t well known.

and never to be forgotten … one of his first briefings by national security officials included him asking why the u.s. couldn’t use nukes. once he’s aware of the fierce pushback on 100s of thousands of u.s. troops on the ground, that’s what he’ll use.

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You ‘built’ this Donnie. You ‘decided’ to throw your lot in with these RW extremists and now you somehow think you can ‘control’ them. It’s past that.


You know if the war goes badly, and I cannot see any reason why it wouldn’t, they’ll be itching to drop The Big One on Iran, but I guess no one has told them there is no way to prevent the radioactive fallout from reaching Saudi Arabia and Israel. And the worldwide political fallout from reaching and negatively affecting the United States.
Once that bomb is dropped, every other nation in the world has an excuse to use one against anyone they want.
Hello, Pakistan!


Trump’s brand according to many is in the toilet. But his name is still on buildings, we all can see.

Trump’s fear, endemic to his psyche and modus operandi, is that his name is very likely to be tarnished and ultimately removed from buildings, should he start a war, especially after what happened in Iraq. It’s at his base, in the forefront of his reptilian brain. He knows that Iran can counterpunch much, much harder, for a long time and in myriad ways. It isn’t going to happen.


You’ll have to expand your definition of “know” when talking about how Trump finds and hires people. When your only source of employee candidates is Fox News then all you “know” about them is what they look and sound like on Fox, content is so over rated.


I doubt that Putin will sign off on an attack on Iran. Iran borders on former states of the USSR, any US attack is getting a little close to home.


Slightly OT:

From Editor’s Blog: In today’s Rundown the POTUS schedule says: *8:10 p.m. trump arrives at trump tower".
Whaaaa? Has he even been back there since that dreaded day in Jan. '17? What’s this?

late: Is he going to yang at DeBlasio?


Better yet, Co-Presidents Bolton and Pompeo…

that’s a great photo… a bloated, arrogant buffer with a malignant coward slinking behind him in the background.


“YOU’RE FIRED!” still works, right, coward Bone Spurs?


I agree, “getting ahead of themselves” doesn’t necessarily mean that Trump doesn’t want a war with Iran, it’s just the timing of starting the war with Iran. If those two start it too early it would curtail Trump’s plans for many, many campaign rallies. He’ll be shut up in the WH, all alone like during the gov’t shut down. This needs to be timed perfectly to scare voters in 2020, but not too early that they’re tired of it and his leadership of it before the election.