Discussion: Trump, GOP To Huddle As Outrage Builds Over Administration Border Policy

If the Republicans had their way - Jeff Sessions (the white man from Alabama that looks like a German SS Officer) would be sitting on the Supreme Court! Imagine having a Supreme Court Justice defending the use of Nazi policies and taking children from their mothers and separating the women from the men…and then sending the children over 2500 miles away from their parents!

The Republicans may have not gotten Sessions on the Supreme Court, but they did get Neil Gorsuch who is even worse than Sessions and lied during his confirmation hearings! Why does Chuck Schumere allow this to go on. Chuckie Money Schumere should resign - he is too weak and he’s destroying the Democratic Party. We need Democratic leaders who have a spine since McConnell and Ryan have bought into Trump’s white christian nationalism.

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I wonder which GOP member is responsible for bringing the pizzas and the Astroglide?

Yes, I know! Chuck Schumer, as the leader of the minority party in the Senate, can just snap his fingers and end all of this. Or perhaps he should just twitch his nose like Samantha on “Bewitched”!


Vote.Every.Single.One.Of.These.Evils. Fucks.OUT.


What exactly would you have him do? He allows what –the changing of Senate rules with a simple majority vote? And then what?

I do not follow your reasoning here.

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Watch what republicans do, not what they say. They continue to wreak havoc as long as they have power.


A Republican only huddle is as likely to end up with summary executions of people than any humane changes.


We have two that will certainly do so already, in their own separate opinion annotating the allowable amount of cruelty (Alito, Thomas) and one that will certainly sign on (Gorsuch)


it is WAY too late for some of these creeps…

Especially those anal, angry, xenophobes who still openly support Trump’s policy in these desperate meetings.

They know who they are. We will soon enough.

November just can’t come soon enough.

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I thought that was where it came from in the first place…

Will they be meeting at Wolfschanze near Rastenburg?


The entire Freedom Caucus is hellbound.

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Besides hanging this crime around the necks of the GOP, on some level the Dems need to keep asking “when is Mexico going to pay for the wall? You told us we wouldn’t have to pay for it.”
And we should see if we can get this to trend:
“Trump is the moral and ethical heart of the GOP.”
I would love for my sanctimonious reps in Congress (both houses) have to state whether they see Trump as the moral leader of the country.


Of course they’ll cave. They cave every time. They have caved every single time before, despite all their grand rhetoric. They are authoritarians, and authoritarians obey. They don’t just fold but return to the fold, and Trump is the one bending the paper.

And if Trump starts feeling the heat, then he can throw Congress under the bus while making that smug "I’m the smartest and best!’ smirk on his face. Trump only has two talents - tricking rubes, and backstabbing others. That’s how he’s operated throughout his entire blighted life and he’s not stopping now.


This issue isn’t a fit for GOP politics. They can’t hide it with obfuscation or make it sound good with platitudes and spin. They can’t rely on people not knowing, not caring or getting it wrong. I think the folks leading the Democrats know this and hence are sticking to their guns. Because this issue is a natural fit for their politics. No way anyone remotely considering a Democartic vote isn’t 100 tuned into this or likely to ignore it and vote GOP. If the Democrats strike down the bad policy the GOP’s putting on the floor they’ll not suffer. No matter how this thing is played the GOP loses and the practice of tearing families apart is going to end. It’s really a situation in which the Democrats have nothing to lose and the GOP everything to lose.

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Things have turned in a hurry on this scandal. The politics of this have shifted to the Democrats.

I had said yesterday that I thought that Trump would make a legislative push for a Goodlatte style bill w/wall funding but then after that failed he’d start throwing Nielson, Sessions, and Kelly under the bus.

But after Feinstein got the 49th Dem to support her bill, Harris called for Neilson’s resignation, and then the audio came out of those kids wailing (7 minute long audio of which I was only able to get through 30 seconds b/c it’s that fucking bad), the GOP went into panic mode. Some fairly high ranking GOPers called for Sessions to abandon the policy. They stopped carrying water for the Administration line that this was ‘the Democrats’ law’.

Now there are some GOP bills floating out there that are limited to changing this policy. It’s not immigration reform. There’s no wall funding. So what’s going on here?

I think the GOP wants Trump to back down and change the policy. They do not want to be debating this at all. But Trump isn’t ready to back down. He wants some legislation. But the heat is so hot in the kitchen for the GOP right now (looking at a 100 seat loss in the House if this keeps up) that they’re willing to throw anything up there that will end this thing, which means putting up legislation that can get a supermajority, which means ‘no wall’.

It also didn’t help that Sessions went on Fascist News w/Laura Ingraham and then proceeded to find ways to distinguish his policies from those of the Nazis and did a rather poor job of doing so (hint: because this is just phase 1 of a Nazi policy redux).

Trump reportedly reiterated yesterday that he would shut the gov’t down over his wall in late September/October. (I think he’s looking for Dems to win 200 seats or something in the House). They’ll huddle on this and either Trump listens to the Congressional GOP and goes after Nielson/Sessions/Kelly (probability of that is now higher) or they give a try at a Goodlatte bill (possible, but my sense is that the GOP wouldn’t make a big push to win this one at all costs, and I don’t think this gets 60 votes in the Senate nor would Mitch push to get around the filibuster here).

If you take a step back, what is motivating both the nuttiness on trade and this Nazi immigration policy of family separation is GOP/Trump weakness. Trump is convinced that his base is not motivated, that they do not see him as having done very much on the agenda he campaigned on. That is his read, but it’s also in his polling because the whole WH believes this. They also don’t believe the tax bill is going to help them on election day (this one is backed up by public polling).

The GOP believes this Nazi immigration policy is going to kill them all in November. It will be much worse than the Northam-Gillespie result in VA. Trump believes he can’t juice his voters without the wall and that he is too unpopular to get the reach indie voters that supported the ticket in 2016 to turn out and vote GOP.

That’s why Trump and the GOP are at loggerheads.

Democrats should just continue to hang tough, get more information out, get more media coverage and they’ll be able to get these guys to fold and cement an advantage for November.


Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado, said he’s willing to endorse the Feinstein bill if that’s what it takes.

That’s nice, but Ryan would never allow it to come to a vote.


Another thing to note, what we know about how badly these kids are being treated is not the full story. It’s going to get worse. We don’t know what happened to the young girls and infants. The longer this goes, kids are going to get sick or worse. This is a humanitarian catastrophe already but it’s going to get worse under this Administration. To protect these kids (and our own American POC kids and naturalized citizen and immigrant families) we have to make the GOP pay a max political price for this atrocity.


Since you have all the answers, you should run for office.


The GOP was more concerned when Clive Bundy was separated from his cows than when asylum seekers are separated from their kids.