Discussion: Trump, GOP To Huddle As Outrage Builds Over Administration Border Policy

You Built This
The lies are catching up to you.
Mika did a fine point by point dismantling of the Feckless … lies.
What compels people to be so inhumane?
To lie for a living ?
I just don’t know


National Memo -
The Poison Dwarf : Migrant Children Are Hostages To Get Trump’s Wall Built .


I can’t imagine a bigger and better distraction from the Mueller investigation than stopping this inhuman plan. NOW. TODAY. The longer you wait, Mr President, the weaker you look. It’s easy- you’ve done it before. Just lie about it - works every time with your base.

"I had to stop those evil Democrats. I went to Texas and grabbed a baby out of Nancy Pelosi’s claws and said “No more of Obama’s evil, child kidnapping plan!”


One needs to remember one of the features of Trump’s mental illness. Other people, including tearful two-year-olds, aren’t real to him. All other people are just two-dimensional cutouts that populate his world. They exist only to fawn over him, or to act as tools he can use to get what he wants.

If Trump could attract bigger crowds at his rallies by bayonetting these children, or by ripping their heads off with his bare hands, that’s what he’d do.


Can’t wait to see the report on the affect of this “huddle”. Given the R 100% lockstep with trump we will likely see all these brave Rs cave to Trump


It will be a very productive huddle resulting in a sternly worded statement condemning the Dems.


Republican members of the House are meeting with Trump today. After the standing ovation and the following Trumpian word salad –I suspect that House members will emerge from their meeting with a new layer of incoherent justification for this barbarity.


With Trump only caring about dominance, I will be surprised if they cave.

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And if Congressonal Dems have even an iota of guts or political smarts they will nail this issue to GOP foreheads for the next 5 months–and beyond.



I hope no one in the Trump administration sees this because it will be instantly plagiarized and become the actual statement of Trump on Air Force One as he returns from Brownsville, TX


I don’t understand the problem. How many times did President Trump assure us that Mexico would pay for the wall?
Trump: “Who’s going to pay for the wall?”
Knuckle-draggers: “Mexico!”
Time for the “Art of the Deal” King to follow through.


A GOP huddle is really a circle jerk.

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Will the result of the meeting be:

New lies, new threats, new demands in order to stop taking children from their parents and putting them in cages?

Or an agreement on better messaging of the current lies, threats and demands?

I’m guessing they will agree on an immigration bill (actually, a limit to immigration bill) to push and vote on, and to lie about and blame Democrats for not passing in order to save the beautiful little children. Democrats need to push and market their own bill. But, if Republicans come out united, it will be tough for the Democrats to resist and come out looking good, especially if the Republicans include something that looks like a DACA fix, as well as keeping kids and parents together.

Yep, and it is the kind of headline (Lie) the MSM will happily repeat. After all they owe Republicans for gutting Net Neutrality and their big tax cut.


Ironically, it appears that this is what Trump was trying to do - by making it a “Dems love foreigners more than America” or “Dems enable MS 13” as a cudgel into the midterms.

Instead, Trump’s innate cruelty took over - per the actual treatment of immigrants at the border (fueled no doubt by Miller’s egging on) and now the cudgel has morphed into a monstrosity that eats the hand that was attempting to wield it as a weapon.


Actually it’s just that the MSM hasn’t found its false equivalence to tar Democrats with.

Rest assured, they are working on it.


I don’t mind distractions so much any more when I realized that Mueller and his team maintain a laser focus on their task. And these distractions mean that team gets a few days of peace, to polish up the indictments.


Various people have commented that Miller’s sadism feeds Trump’s, and that this is a familiar and gratifying dynamic to Donald, one which goes all the way back to Roy Cohn.