Discussion: Trump Goes On Ebola Rant: The Plague Will Spread Inside Our Borders!

Well, Ebola is like climate change. It doesn’t recognize borders. And just like with climate change, according to Republicans, there’s nothing we can do about it.

(Oh, and by the way, Ebola isn’t an airborne disease.)

He’ll have to stop traveling to Scotland to play golf.

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…because Wall Street is a collection of people who have deluded themselves into believing they’re the most brilliant people upon the planet, when really those people are in Silicon Valley doing useful things. Wall Street is mainly run by the greedy and ambitious, not the intelligent.

The intelligent, for instance, could understand that loaning each other money leveraged at a 30-to-1 ratio which you then immediately invest for almost immediate returns is a scenario that cannot maintain itself.

We all most definitely have people of only moderate intelligence with no morals and delusions of grandeur in charge of a frightening portion of our total wealth as a planet. End rant.


Apparently, Donald Trump was born without an empathy chip. Or even a human chip. What a miserable excuse for a person he turned out to be, and definitely not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But that photo of Trump looking like Donald Sutherland in the final scene of Invasion of the Body Snatchers cracks me up. They do say that, in the end, you get the face you deserve…

By my favorite great green tentacle, I’ve missed you soooooo muuuucchhh !!!


A lot of conservative bashing here. My understanding is that the “do-gooders” were missionaries, so the “good” part may be in question. And, if I were an organism with a tiny infectious dose (possibly one (1) viral particle, I think this might be the way I’d jump continents. As to thoughts that ebola isn’t so bad, I count at least 5 medical professionals dead or infected. That one bad bug or a lot of incompetence – I bet on virulence.

It’s tough, 'cos in some ways I don’t disagree with him. Equip a hospital ship with whatever they need, give them everything they could get right here, treat 'em out there in the middle of the ocean. Whatever it takes.

Somewhere along the line, Trump lost his mind. It’s still missing.


The people who are infected and brought here for treatment are part of Samaritan’s Purse, which indeed has evangelical underpinnings. Both Trump is wrong for screaming at liberals, and anyone who in any way puts down these medical missionaries is way out of line. They were out there trying to save lives, and the part where they find it a Christian calling doesn’t diminish that at all. As a liberal and a Christian (of a liberal denomination which is very engaged in helping others but not in the religion should run government wars) who worked in health care, these people need to be saluted no matter what. And Trump proves to be an even bigger idiot. Perhaps whatever he uses to treat that creature on his scalp is having negative effects on his cranial contents.


This is called “Leading from his behind”.

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You would think a guy who has as much money as Trump claims to have would be the most relaxed person on Earth.

(Actually maybe that’s the problem, that Trump doesn’t have anything like the money he claims:

http://www.thewire.com/politics/2011/04/weve-been-trying-figure-out-how-much-trump-worth-20-years/36908/ )

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Well, if it does spread, The Donald can take comfort in the fact that he can fly on his private jet to one of his tax shelters and cuddle with the money he claims to have…

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And when he’s shown to be wrong?

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There are conditions that are treated every day in level one hospitals in the US like Emory which are more than fully equipped to handle conditions like Ebola, and procedures in place for transport and treatment. They treat conditions at least as infectious as Ebola without endangering the population. A ship in the ocean would not make that treatment any safer for the public. The problem is that there are no similar medical centers to treat the people in Africa - these personnel are working in tents and open areas with few of the tools and facility features which make our own facilities so effective, and safe. Fears are unwarranted, and I dare say there are medical conditions much worse than Ebola - as far as potential to spread and are just as deadly - which are treated here on a regular basis. But, we have the resources and facilities to treat them.


The Donald? Wrong? Never! Any minute now his investigators in Hawaii are going to release the Skinny on President Obama’s birth certificate.

They are astounded by what they are finiding over mai-tais on Kauai.

Next up, they will investigate Benghazi.


Wow, Shrilly McShrilleson, much?

Because it is easy to co greedy people.

What an ignorant dumbass.
He sounds like one those AIDS dumbshits when it first started.

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It is news. It is a cultural marker in the same week that the Republican Congress demonstrated their fear based xenophobia this buffoon provides a vivid demonstration of how common and vulgar this cowardly conservatism is.

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He is so ignorant and clueless I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone would follow him, much less pay any attention to him. He is so stupid that he doesn’t even suspect how stupid he really is.

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