Discussion: Trump Goes On Ebola Rant: The Plague Will Spread Inside Our Borders!

He’s confusing Ebola and mange. He’s afraid the Pomeranian on his head will lose its hair.


People need to find where Trump is, get some fake blood and start coughing it up.


It’s racism and a distorted sense of entitlement - he would be the first to want one of his family members returned to the US if they were will.

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If it does, I hope it gets Trump first.

Donald’s problem? Ego-la.


Ebola killed Borders? And all this time, I thought it was creditors.


Dude…why not just head down o Atlantic city and close down another of your miserably failed casinos…leave the adult problems to serious minds that understand what must be done in the context of confronting this dreaded scourge.

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That’s the GOP in a nutshell: “You must suffer the consequences for helping people out!”


Modern conservatives really are just the most cowardly bunch of pantywaist pants-poopers. It’s a wonder they can leave their fortified bunkers each day and dash to their fortified offices to earn a living.


Heh heh. I know exactly what I am going to do. I am going to start a rumor that the family of one of the Ebola patients stayed at one of his properties.


OFFS, the disease can only be transferred through an exchange of bodily fluids – i.e.: a patient projectile vomits and some microscopic amount enters through a care-giver’s tear ducts. Yeah, it’s THAT difficult to transfer. But Mister Palin is such a bed-wetter that he can’t be bothered to understand simple facts like that. Better to let do-gooder Americans die in foreign countries than let them anywhere within theoretical distance of his hair-piece.

What. A. Tool.


In truth, there’s quite a lot of money going towards it relative to the number of people it has affected. Mainly, I think, because it’s such a horrifying disease (hemorrhagic fever) and occurs in concentrated outbreaks that it’s very attention-grabbing.

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Stay press spray starch.

EBOla waS broUGHT to AmerICA by NObamaZeroTwoTERms FROm hiS birTHPlace IN AfriCA BeCaUSE GAYs werE HAving SExy TIme WITh gaYs InsTEad OF theIR wiVEs.EBOLA wILL crIPPle REPUBlicaNS whO haTE gaY marrY and TRaditIONAL aMERICAN Values BECAUASE the Gay WILL MAke REPublicaNs get EBOLA. STOP THE NEXT GAY PLAGUE. Don’t LET the GAY marrY and stop the GAY marry and ENdorse tradITIONAL marrIGEs so THEY are NOT PLagued BY ebola!!!11111one!!1!11!11!


true story: When I was a kid growing up in Ann Arbor, I used to play tennis with the Borders kid’s. And Ms. Borders was smoking hot. The origional MILF.


I don’t believe “mouth” is the orifice you intended to refer to.

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Trump sounds like somebody from the 11th Century. One thing any society, and any successful business person for that matter, has to do is to learn to proportionately assess risk. The number of infections from the family of borelliosis diseases, which includes Lyme disease, for example, is about 15 times higher than the AIDS rate, but has been largely missed due to poor screening and lack of inexpensive diagnostic tools. Cholera was a very exciting disease in its time as you would get sick in the morning and die in the afternoon, but ultimately we learned how to deal with it and it really is not a problem in most places these days. Indeed, if Americans were to contract ebola on a wide scale, it would overturn most of our understanding of how the disease spreads.

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[quote=“kwoodgr, post:29, topic:7883, full:true”]
Donald Trump has only one purpose: me, me, me.
[/quote] He’s competing with McGrumpy and Failin Palin. All three make perfect Republicants.

“…People that go to far away places to help…”

The essence of the conservative movement’s “foreign policy” of isolationism. We’re talking waving bye-bye to doctors and nuns forever. It doesn’t get any more isolated than that.

Their policy offers two options for success. One involves building the most secure prison, call it America, and enjoy the easy life of “freedom” hoping nobody ever wants to break in and steal our video systems. The other choice is genocide, removing all threats.

Evidently, the conservative movement can’t make up its mind.


Michele Bachman-Donald Trump 2016