Bringing these good and decent humanitarian Americans home was the right thing to do.
I am so glad Trump is a Republican and not a human being.
Obviously toupee glue and/or hairspray has leeched into Trump’s brain long ago. He should be quarantined until this can be corrected.
Hmmmm…Nobody has barred Trump from getting treatment for that Tribble growing into his scalp. That mixed species mess needs to be chopped off at the neck.
Sounds like he needs treatment for:
And at the same time, Trump is against childhood vaccinations.
Waiting for him to tweet “GET UNVACCINATED KIDS OUT OF AMERICA”.
Trump and the GOP are THE plague on this country.
No brain, No pain.
Wait til’ The Donald finds out that Ebola is caused by a bad comb over.
Donald Trump: We leave them behind.
How presidential!
Looks like the Jersey Shore is getting rid of the Trump Plague
"The U.S. must immediately stop all flights from EBOLA infected countries or the plague will start and spread inside our “borders.” Act fast! "
Some one needs to tell this idiot that Ebola has been active in Africa for a boatload of years…century maybe. He must have had his head up his arse for many, many years. Yep that’s it.
To be honest, the main problem with studying Ebola vaccines and treatments is the episodic nature of the outbreaks. Say you develop a drug or vaccine-you might have to wait a decade until there is an outbreak to test it. That makes clinical trials difficult.
I wonder if his Donaldness would care to cite the legal authority that would allow a US citizen to be denied entry to the US.
According to experts, the first symptom is orange hair.
Just curious…Has Trump ever claimed to be a Christian? Or a human?
From brainless birther to heartless plaguer…People who believe their own far out press releases and tweets are great but must suffer the consequences!
He’s right about one thing - the plague is already here - for proof all he has to do do is look in the mirror!
Sounds like the virus needs a rebranding. The Trump Virus.
The Donbola?
Something far worse than ebola spread here. Trump, look in the mirror