Discussion: Trump Goes On Ebola Rant: The Plague Will Spread Inside Our Borders!

Thank goodness we’re better as a country than The Donald thinks we are. We take care of our own. Of course, it’s just a matter of time before Ebola would have crossed our borders anyway. It is transmitted only by bodily fluids. No doubt a carrier would be be highly motivated to spit on Trump. Then again, a lot of us would. So yes, Trump is certainly at risk here.

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And the people of Chicago have to look at his name in 20 ft letters on his building by the river.

You know you could easily read up on how the disease is spread and the treatment protocols from the WHO are almost impossible to follow in a third world setting but can be implemented fairly simply in a modern hospital. Not incompetence but a third world logistical failure. Not virulence but high fatality. No vaccine. No treatment but amelioration (hydration and the strong and lucky recover). Treatment protocols require isolation and full protective suits for all people in close proximity to the patient. Expensive and difficult to maintain in West Africa.

But it is probably more fun to just imply a danger level that doesn’t exist. And contribute to the culture of conservative cowardice.

Don’t worry, he’ll bankrupt again and it will get a new name.

Of course. He “chaptered it”, in his words, declaring Chapter X bankruptcy to skip out on some of his bills. None of this bankruptcy will affect his lifestyle in the slightest, while it will affect his creditors and suppliers significantly, especially the smaller ones.

Howard Hughes II

When Donald Trump is making a statement to the press it makes me think “What is my ass trying to say when it farts”.

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Its funny how people like Mr. Trump feel so free to post “I am an ignorant dumbass” for all the world to see. I can’t see how anyone with any sense would do business with this clown.

This proves that Donald is Presidential material. President of the
“Loudmouth Jerkoffs Association”.

Good grief. Trump really needs to be examined for mental competence. How do people like this become millionaires?

Such a humanitarian.

By being born the son of a billionaire, and working very hard to lose as much money as possible.

no booze there, though…

This is why we have the best trained doctors,and the best hospitals in the world, so we can take advice from a reality TV show host.

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The fourth-rate Prince Prospero worries about his upcoming masque.

The Donald keeps his money by filing bankruptcy and cheating folks out of the money he owes them

Bless Donald Trump for looking out for America.

Broken clock.

and this lunatic wants to buy the buffalo bills? i seriously doubt that ralph wilson (who was one of the nfl’s best guys) would approve. replacing a decent, community- oriented guy with this self-serving maniac would be a travesty for the nfl.

The lede was buried!

The photo seems to prove that Trump has a comb-over rather than a hairpiece.