Discussion: Trump Goes Ballistic: McCain 'Is War Hero Because He Was Captured'

Discussion for article #238546

McCain ‘Is War Hero Because He Was Captured’
Wha…? WTF?!

I mean yeah-- he was a sh^tty pilot and all-- but jeebus– is this as low as RWNJs can go?
(And I feel dirty even at the thought of defending Grumps.)



Wow, that’s gonna cost him for sure, that was real dumb. That’s “knee jerk” speaking, certainly in no way Presidential. This asshole has peaked, he won’t be getting higher numbers. He will continue to say stupid things because he is out there more and more in the media, and seems to want to say “shock jock” stuff instead of trying to be measured and professional. In short, he’s a wise ass punk.


Trump: Winners don’t get captured.


Now I feel less dirty.



There seem to be an awful lot of wealthy Republicans who never served.

John Kerry served and he got swift-boated by a well-funded campaign whose only purpose was to question his service.


begins the UnTrumpening


Trump didn’t serve in Nam because he didn’t like that particular war?

Oh well, I’m sure most of the base is dumb enough to overlook that.


I don’t like John McCain’s politics. I think his hatred of Obama is patent and embarrassing.
Nor do I think that merely getting captured makes one a hero by any stretch.

Getting tortured for weeks or for months, resisting as best as one can, then refusing --as McCain did – a chance for repatriation – is most admirable and I respect it greatly.


My goodness, I hope he’s still in the race a year from now.


Ya know, If I’m honest, I can’t really say that I’m all that worried about McCain’s fee-fees. At the end of the day, he’ll still have his 10 houses, or however many he has, and the term “hero” has been grossly overused for many years. How does that go? “If everybody’s special, ain’t nobody special.”

The GOP has been mercilessly attacking people and organizations for years using out and out lies and character assassinations to besmirch those who have done much good for the community at large: ACORN, Planned Parenthood, The EPA, The National Science Foundation, Climate Scientist, Michael Mann, Michael Dukakis, Max Cleland, John Kerry; whisper campaigns against Ann Richards, the guy in MO running for governor who committed suicide, and McCain himself. I’m sure you can think of more; but that’s what comes to my mind right now.

Now they worry about political correctness? Like Krugman says, Trump is just not as smooth as the rest.

Ask me if I give a fuck.

P.S. If you’re wondering about the National Science Foundation


The Donald only likes wars he knows he will never have to fight in.


So Trump was against Vietnam and Iraq. Sounds like a pinko hippy to me.


“I recognize that folks in the press love to see Republican on Republican violence,” Cruz said.

What!!?? Is that even supposed to be a sort of straw-man scenario? Cruz, you suck at everything.


Now this is some actual Straight Talk Express™,. Sure it’s insulting and misguided, but the GOP says they like people who speak their mind. McCain’s version of the Straight Talk Express™ is usually just beltway acceptable banter, but this is what the GOP says they want, lets see if they can handle it.


Establishment knives are out. Rick Perry has already called on him to drop out. My guess is that the love affair from Ted Cruz will be ending quite soon.

Also - would not surprise me if the other candidates refuse to take the stage with Trump at the GOP debates. There you have it… Trump problem solved… until you need his endorsement.


Hardly. Stay tuned.


Especially if you are talking about Hillary. Or any other Democrat for that matter.


Trump? You are a grade “A” asshat. I don’t agree with McCain’s politics BUT I do not question several things about him. 1. his patriotism, 2, his work to reform, and clean up the VA, 3. his work for veterans. He also is serving as the Chair of the Senate Armed Services committee a position he has long sought. And it’s from that platform that he can work on what I listed.

Trump said ““If a person is captured, they’re a hero as far as I’m concerned. …
But you have to do other things also,” Trump said. “I don’t like the job
John McCain is doing in the Senate because he is not taking care of our
This from a man who never was in the military as far as I am aware.
Like I said I don’t agree with republicans or McCains politics but I can unequivocally say that McCain does all he can for veterans. Now, the question remains: what does that make Trump?
a frigging liar
I hate liars
I hates 'em
Hopefully this vile bilge from Trump will get the “base” to questioning their support of Trump.


Yes. I am so not a McCain fan, but I won’t question the man’s service to the military. The only part of Trump’s messy sentiments I believe is relevant is McCain’s senate record with regards to the needs of our military veterans – in particular comprehensive healthcare including intensive mental healthcare. Otherwise, Trump is showing his ignorance and being very mean spirited.