Kudos to @drtv for calling this in a previous discussion. The colluder-in-chief is so freakin’ predictable!
Low energy collusion.
Really Sad!
If you didn’t know the full context of the tweet, it would read like Trump’s feelings are hurt that Jr. has more important people to call than his dad. Really sad!
And am I the only one who first reacted to this news with “Holy shit! There’s even more people involved that we haven’t heard about yet?”?.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Don Jr. had all the opportunity in the world to talk to his father about the meeting on June 9, before and after.
So… does this mean now that CNN is real news? Or is it Fake News? I get so confused these days. Are we still at war with East Asia… ?
Dumb Donald too dumb to realize that he was too dumb to be part of the plan?
Just waiting for this defense to be thrown out there.
Adam Schiff thinks this story is fake.
So you:
Announced two days before the meeting that you were going to talk about dirt on the Clintons in a big speech the following week.
Never gave that speech.
Wrote an inaccurate script that the meeting was about adoptions.
Right after you had a meeting with Putin in which you yourself said that you discussed… adoptions.
But if one specific phone call didn’t come from you, then we’re supposed to ignore all that.
The gloat (or whatever) is illogical.
Think Hitler’s Bunker, Spring 1945
The whole Trump family is so deluded they will continue to gloat from a prison cell.
What does Trumpie say about the 4 sealed indictments that were filed in DC yesterday?
Well…maybe SOME collusion…
I’m not a criminal mastermind but this might work.
“John, take your phone to my father. I want to talk with him without it showing on his cell records.”
Notice he fails to credit CNN with the supposed “exoneration.” Because it would have to be fake news, then.
Be still, my heart… Which 4 indictments?
Tim Hogan
Four new sealed dockets filed today in DC.
And those are reliably Mueller, or just in general?
I think Mueller. Could be more Stone or Manafort ones, which would be okay.
Or Ivanka, Jared, Jr. and…