Discussion: Trump, Free Speech, and Why Journalists Must be Activists

 They’ve been selling fear for decades.

They’ve been selling mistrust for years, too

So… In order to report truth …

We just need to pay you guys more than you’re already getting …

Got it ! —

And when we pay more… the liars will counter with more … and we’ll end up in an endless cycle geared to make the media rich —

Nice to know the truth has become a commodity ---- But… we already knew that —


Wasn’t his point that news has become a commodity? For years we had newspapers – who were for profit of course but where mostly local and with little competition – and the three networks. The networks operated their news divisions as public services from which they did not expect to make profits. The local affiliates, again usually only 3, operated a lot like the local newspapers.

But this all changed with the 24 hour news channels and the desire to wring profit’s from all divisions. Fox News saw a niche to fill feeding propaganda to a reliably culpable audience, started taking viewers and suddenly news was a commodity and very competitive. This brought about the ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ mentality and here we are.


I was attempting some specificity … oh well … :confused:

Look, once the news became a commodity, which it did with the advent of television, which held the line for awhile when we were just using the public airways, then the news no longer was as interested in telling the truth as it was in a compelling narrative. We’ve moved all the way over into everything being unreal, now, because it is straight up entertainment. That’s how Trump happened - he’s unreal; he’s the product of TV and he is so far being a reality show president and I expect that won’t change. And reality show is a lie, because it’s not real.

He’s not real, our journalism isn’t real and nothing is about reality - it’s about created reality and a very shallow one.

and frankly that has become true of most of our institutions and that’s because everything became valued only in terms of money and when that happens all real value leaves a society. That’s what is wrong with all of it - our medical system - it’s a a sham based on profit; our legal system - once those sponsors names started showing up everywhere in the 80s and we started wearing labels on the outside of our clothes we were fucking doomed to this. Thank you Ronald Reagan. All roads leading to our ruin lead right back to Reagan.


Reagan’s the one who put the most of this into policy …

But the seeds of it started earlier ---- IMHO —



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No doubt they did - there’s rarely one clear path from a beginning to a disaster.

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Yeah, the problem is that most journalists aren’t allowed to be activists even if they want to be. Most of the editors and publishers in the main stream media outlets will either kill or severely weaken any report that might get them into any trouble with their corporate sponsors. Also, any story that doesn’t have enough “click bait” potential will likely get killed as well. How are journalists supposed to be activists when any legitimate story they try to write just gets killed or watered down to the point of being irrelevant?


I agree - it’s obviously not necessarily the journalists so much as it is the broadcasters and publishers.


This leader of business said, most infamously, “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS.”



News media, especially the broadcasting kind, has been restructured as infotainment, and hired the sort of people who fit with that programming. I don’t think we can expect much form that crop of “journalists”. They just don’t have it in’em.

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Yeah all form no substance. hahahahaha

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I can no longer trust or watch the news once CNN’s far right CEO Jeff Zucker hired and defended hiring Corey Lewandowski. Lewandowski is crook and flat out liar (agent) working for Trump and white nationalism movement. Zucker, a Jew, should obviously know better. Instead, Zucker fired Donna Brazile for sharing one possible debate question. Meanwhile, Lewandowski gave Trump all the CNN debate questions in advance.

The big 5 Media conglomerates are all run by very conservative Republicans like Zucker and Rupert Murdoch. Shame on these Jews for supporting white nationalism.
Once Hispanics, Blacks, and Muslim
are neutralized by Trump and his goons,
Zucker and his people will be next!

Jeff Zucker needs to spend some time at Aushwitz and contemplate US white nationalism under Trump, Bannon, Manafort, and Lewandowski - they hate Jews too!


Activists for media literacy, the foundation of which is critical thinking.

Music to my ears. I think this is the nut of why Trump won and to oversimplify it, Democrats have failed at media literacy and understanding how to speak to the people and the people have lost the ability or want to think critically about their future and the options open to them. At the nut of both of course, is a failed media who feels the first amendment gives them a right to profit, rather than a responsibility to inform the citizenry.

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The points made in the comments essentially cover the central problem with
the communication structure for Public Discourse: news as a commodity, profit, corporate control.
I have yet to come upon any workable ideas how to change this road block to Democracy.
Neil Postman, a communications Professor at NYU, wrote a book in the 1980’s, during Reagan’s reign,
entitled: “Amusing Ourselves to Death—Public Discourse in the Age of Show
Business”. Postman argued that TV has a bias toward entertainment. He goes on to describe it’s impact on Public Discourse. Here we are today—from a movie star to a TV entertainment star—still amusing ourselves as a culture.
It might be reasonable to argue that TWITTER, as its end use in political discourse, has a bias toward the insult
and that FACEBOOK has a bias toward fake news—anything that entertains. Any ideas how to get out of this
entertainment prison which infects our political Public Discourse?

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I personally don’t think much will change it short of a cataclysm. The structure of how we get news and what the people who are giving it to us want in return for that has to change.

Same as our medical system - it’s a huge con for profit and until the profit motive is either destroyed or at least reined in, it won’t change either.


How sad it is that, staying with thuglican tradition, that herr drumpf may be the best of the known three alternatives.
The terms of succession are drumpf, pence and ryan
A sociopath, an christianist ideolog, or an Ayn Rand disciple.
It is sad when the socioapath (psychopath lines get blurry) egomaniac beyond question is the best of three alternatives.
Requiem en Pacem

Obvious stuff.

like what an earthquake?
anyone who cant find out “the news” by using the internet and avoiding the MSM…just isnt trying very hard…since you claim to know where and why the news happens…why not enlighten the peasants?
especially regarding those places who dont PROFIT from it…off hand i can think of ZERO such places…lol

Journalists ??? Where are they to be found ??? There won’t be many of those claiming to be journalists that don’t have the odor of right-wing propaganda on them and the guilt of misleading millions of citizens.

Now, they are and should be worried that the new administration will come for them. You haven’t been able to believe much of what these “journalists” passed along to the masses for the last sixteen or seventeen months but you know “Trump said or tweeted it” so it must be newsworthy. You know he is Mister Trump and not that lyin’ untrustworthy Hillary. Everybody is sayin’ it…just everybody.

Now the greatest obvious secret of the campaign is being made public. Mister Trump didn’t really mean any of the things he said. Now we know that all of those promises weren’t promises at all…they were just suggestions or random thoughts or yoofan-isms (whatever those are). People should not have taken his diatribes literally or seriously. All of those comments came out of his ass in the moment and were lies never to be considered real.

Those comments were projected by ALL of the media as reality at the same time saying they were not responsible for fact checking. A pretty sweet money-making setup they had at least until either Trump or the masses come for a reckoning. I hope they televise that.