Trump has been floating this shit so many times these days that I had to check if TPM rerun the news by mistake today.
So sad that craziness is no longer news.
Speaker Pelosi (or some other prominent Democrat) should respond to his tweet with:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
We hereby demand, Using the Royal “We” now.
It’s a “fake story” that Trump wants to send migrants to sanctuary cities…but he really wants to send migrants to sanctuary cities.
And all these migrants are the worst of the worst -you see -rapists and gangbangers, drug-runners and thugs. And once they get to the sanctuary city, federal immigration officials will no longer receive any jail or arrest data. Makes complete sense, doesn’t it?
Moments ago, POTUS claimed NYT reporting that he wants to put undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities was false. But >
Gaslighting or sundowning or sundowning and gaslighting, or just plain ratfucking nuts?
Heavy, shaking my head, kind of shrug.
Perhaps to old Republican men sitting in diners in southern Ohio and northern Kentucky?
Try this
The only explanation is that different people get inside his head at different moments, and what comes out is simply a reflection of the last voice he heard. That, and his natural reflex to deny everything. The guy is nuts, and not capable of being president. The only stunning aspect is that the GOP enablers remain silent.
The bottomless pit of mendacity, cruelty, stupidity, fraud, racism, xenophobia, greed, corruption and misogyny opens his maw and lets fly with another word salad.
Me thinks it’s time for King Dumb Dumb to go on a little space mission.
I consider salads a healthy thing, maybe we can refer to the blathering as word garbage.
Showing, for all of us, that it is the reaction to lunacy which is pivotal.
People like Peter Baker and Chuck Todd enable this…and I suspect that the real mission of people like these hacks is to lull the Great Fifty Percent*** into thinking that this mental case can be talked about in the same manner as, say Carter, Ford or Eisenhower.
*** Those who don’t pay any fucking attention to any of this
I’ll go with explosive, unfocused logorrhaea.
Trump, Trump what a chimp-chump!
The New York Times Sanctuary Cities/Immigration story today was knowingly wrong on almost every fact. They never call to check for truth. Their sources often don’t even exist, a fraud. They will lie & cheat anyway possible to make me look bad. In 6 years they will be gone…
6:30 PM - Apr 13, 2019
In 6 years he’ll be gone and we will have roll up our sleeves and see what is salvageable and what will have to be re-built from the bottom up.
Democrats must change the Immigration Laws FAST.
Yo, yo asshole who controls the Senate and the Presidency?
The prescience of Newt Gingrich: “I want to make sure every House Republican is protected from some kind of dishonest Democratic ad. So let me say on the record, any ad which quotes what I said on Sunday is a falsehood.”
Admittedly taken out of context but when in Trumplandia, do as the Trumpists do.