The delusional sleaze ball President Trump! Europe was opened up and a good trading partner before he created this trade war and lied about everything while ignoring the facts on trade. Just analyze Harley-Davidson before Trump, during Trump’s trade shit storm, and now that they’ve shut down the dotard!
I don’t think farmers are that dumb. A bad crop this year is why they plan to buy more soybeans. LNG is years away since there are few facilities in Europe to receive it. Fact is Trump got nothing and Europe won’t face tariffs on cars.
He got a fake “win” that he can roll out for the base. What more can he do with Deep State Agents and Clin-Ton Triad Ninjas hounding him at every step?
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, briefing reporters aboard Air Force One, said more jobs have been created by the steel and aluminum tariffs than are being lost
President Donald Trump on Thursday trumpeted his trade deal with European allies,
Trump and European Union Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker agreed to open talks
Apparently, the fucking AP has no idea what a deal is.
I’m sure Midwestern soybean farmers would be thrilled to sell every third row of their crops to tofu-starved Europeans. Unfortunately, it ain’t gonna happen. Sad.
But hey, Farmer John, just give Agolf time to make his trade wars work for you.
Exactly, looks like they made a deal…to talk about a deal.
“We just opened up Europe for you farmers. You’re not going to be too angry with Trump, I can tell you,” the president said at the workforce development event,
The stoopid is strong in this man. I hate going down this road b/c it makes me depressed and bewildered, wondering if it really will be over soon.
Have the ungrateful farmers offered thanks and praise for the Trump provided sunshine?
Or peed in a cup to see if they are eligible for handouts?
Trump and European Union Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker agreed to open talks to tear down trade barriers and address U.S. tariffs on steel imports.
Exactly. At some point, they’ll talk in the future to maybe, possibly have the EU buy more soybeans. Maybe.
In the meantime the NoKos just said you know what? We don’t think we want to get rid of our nukes after all. So that’s that.
“Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, briefing reporters aboard Air Force One, said more jobs have been created by the steel and aluminum tariffs than are being lost…”
Of course one of these reporters asked for a Labor Department citation that would verify Ross' claim.
Oh man, sometimes I crack myself up! :joy:
“Granite City Works is now near its 2015 employment level of 2,100, with a second blast furnace to be operating by this fall. Jobs there mean dozens more at steel-processing plants throughout the city that bend, cut, coat or reshape the raw product, said James Amos, Granite City’s economic development director.”
Does that mean the company was operating at full capacity during the Obama presidency? How could that have been possible?
If these morons believe weathervane Trump they get what they deserve.
“We just opened up Europe for you farmers. You’re not going to be too angry with Trump, I can tell you,” the president said.
Europe, of course, having been totally closed to US farmers for much of the 20th and all of the 21st centuries.
Well, the soybean traders are really impressed. Beans are down two cents at $8.738 Low as they have been for quite a while.
I forget, which has more people, the EU or China?
“Nobody knew about Europe before I mentioned it.”